Chapter 7

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      I wake up with my head on Percy's shoulder and our hands touching- which was not how I imagined waking up. I lean up a bit. He opens his eyes. "Sorry." I say. "It's okay." He smiles. I smile back and stand up. I accidentally walk into some boxes and knock them over. "Were they there before?" I ask. Percy stands up and nods. I realize I broke something. "I didn't do that." I say. He laughs. "We should get out of here." Percy says. We start walking. "You might want to hide your face. You know people here, and I do too, and there's monsters. Plus camp might start looking." Percy says. So we try to hide our faces. "So, are you sure we can't go back?" Percy asks. "Yes. I'm leaving Camp Half-Blood. You have to go back." I say. "No." He says. "But, I'm going somewhere." I say. "Then I'm going with you." He says. "No." I say. "Then you're being followed." He says. "You're annoying, you know that?" I say.

      "So where are we going?" He asks. "I am going somewhere. I can't tell you." I say. "I'm just going to find out in the end." He says. I stay quiet. "Oh, come on, Olivia. Aren't we best friends? Don't you trust me?" He asks. "I.. I trust you. But-" I begin. "Then why can't you tell me about your dream?" He asks. "I'll.. tell you tomorrow." I say, though I don't know if I will or not. "Okay, right now. I'm hungry. There's a food place that we can get to-go breakfast." He says. "Okay." I say. We go to the food place and I stand in line, while Percy goes to the bathroom. After I order a boy with black hair comes up next to me. "Excuse me, are you with that boy that just went to the bathroom?" The boy asks. "Yeah.. why?" I ask. "Oh, sorry. I'm Nico di Angelo." He says.

      "You know Percy?" I ask. "He's a friend." Nico says. "Oh, that's good." I say. "So you're, you know.." He says. The way he looked I could tell what he meant. So you're a demigod? "Yeah, I'm guessing you are." I say. He nods. Percy comes out. "Nico." Percy says. "Hey, Percy." Nico says. I get the food. We all walk out and all three of us talk. "I am Athena's daughter." I say. "I'm the son of Hades." Nico says. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah." He says. "I should go." Nico says. "Okay. It was nice seeing you, again." Percy says. Nico smiles and they shake hands. I shake Nico's hand too. Nico is really cool. Nico's a new friend. After Nico leaves we don't really talk much- we're eating. We keep our heads down.

      We walk in silence for a few hours. Percy just keeps following me. "Thanks, Percy. I can take it from here." I say. "You aren't getting rid of me that easily." He says. "Oh, come on, Percy." I say. "I meant what I said about being a team." He says. We walk along. "Olivia! I found you!" A familiar voice yells. "Oh no." I say. Percy stares at me but keeps his head down. A person shakes my shoulder. "Didn't you hear me, Olivia?" The person asks. "I'm not Olivia." I say in a fake voice, Percy almost started laughing- I did too. "I know my own daughter." The person yanks me around to face them. "Oh, daddy. You always told me, stay away from strangers." I try to smile. Percy stops walking. "You were off with some boy?" My dad says angrily. "What boy?" I ask. "You're coming home with me." He says and grips my wrist. "No." I say. "What do you mean, 'No'?" He asks. "I'm not going with you." I say.

      My wrist starts to hurt as I try to get him to let go of me. "Let go!" I say. Percy turns around. "Let go of her." Percy says. "And who are you to tell me what to do, little boy?" My dad asks. It starts to hurt worse when his grip gets tighter. "Let go of her!" Percy yells. I know Percy's trying to help. He can't push him down, we both might go down. He can't take out his sword. He can't punch him. Then Percy does something I hadn't thought of. Percy kicks my dad and he lets go and falls down. "Come on." Percy says. We run away and then hide. "Are you okay?" Percy asks. "I'm fine." I say, rubbing my wrist. "One thing is for sure. You aren't ever going back with him." Percy says. "Thank-you for caring." I say. I open my arms for a hug and he hugs me. Then we start walking again. We walk for the rest of the day and stop once to eat something before we start settling somewhere.

      While getting something to eat, I get a grey beanie and then a blanket. Percy gets a blanket and a backpack too. They didn't cost much so Percy and I had enough money for it. We still have a lot more money. I always keep a lot of money with me- just in case of an emergency. And Percy has money too. I put on my beanie. We find a new alley and lay down behind a garbage can. I start shivering even with the blanket on me. We're leaning up against the wall. Percy scoots close to me and shares his blanket with me. His blanket is bigger than mine so it goes over the both of us perfectly. He puts his arm around me and at first it's awkward, but it's freezing and he's my best friend- I decide to go with it. I lean in and I already start getting warmer. "Thanks, Percy." I say. "You're welcome." He says. I smile. "Night." I yawn. "Night." He says. Then I go to sleep.

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