Chapter 13

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      I wake up and shake Percy. "It's the 19th. We have 2 days until the Summer Solstice." I say. "Guys." Percy says. Nina and Annabeth wake up. I hear a buzz. I take out my phone. I got a text from Grover. It reads: ANNABETH DIDN'T COME BACK. IS SHE WITH YOU? WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU AND PERCY OKAY? IS ANNABETH SAFE? "A text from Grover." I say. I text him back: Yes. No where. Yes and yes. I hate making Grover worry. I hate not telling him. "Are people looking for us?" I ask. "I don't know if the police are anymore. The Athena cabin has a search system. Grover's looking, Tyson's looking. Some of your friends are looking. Clarisse is looking, which really surprised me." She says. "She's my friend. One of my best friends." I say. "Did not see that one coming." Annabeth says.

      "I know right." Percy says. "Hey. She's actually really cool if you get to know her." I say. "It must've been opposite day when you hung out." Percy says. I push him a bit. He laughs. Nina smiles a huge smile at me. "Can I speak to you for a second alone, Olivia?" Nina asks. I nod and get up. We walk out of the alley and walk a little ways away from it. "You really like him." Nina smiles. "Yes." I say. "He really likes you." She smiles. "You would know, you're an Aphrodite kid." I say. "OMG. Olivia, was Percy serious about my mom and that creep?" She asks. I nod. I learned a little about Greek Gods and that was one of them. Aphrodite and Ares... it's just gross to think about- I can't imagine what Nina thinks about it.

      We go back and Percy's carrying the bag. Everything's cleaned up. "Let's go." Percy says. "Okay so, the Summer Solstice is the 21st. What is the prize?" Nina asks. "If we knew, why would we be looking for it?" I ask. "You lost it." She suggests. "I have no idea what it is, okay?" I tell her. "What do you think, Ar- Al- Ad- I'm sorry, I don't know your name." Nina says. "Annabeth." Annabeth answers. "Annabeth, got it. I'm Nina. So what do you think, Annabeth?" Nina asks. "I just came here. I have no idea." She says. "That's a first." Percy mumbles. I push him a little again. "Very funny, Seaweed Brain." She says. A tear slides down my face. Percy takes my hand. "We're gonna figure it out." Percy says. I stop and turn towards him. I see Nina motion for Annabeth and her to walk on so we can talk.

      Percy and I are alone now. "What if we don't? What if everyone gets hurt? What if something happens to people at camp- Chiron, Clarisse.. all those people. Annabeth and Nina. You.. What if something happens? It will be all my fault, Percy!" I cry. "We will. Everyone will be okay. The camp people, Annabeth, Nina, me, everyone will be okay. Everything will be okay. It isn't your fault." He says. "But I don't want you to get hurt." I cry. "I won't. And I promise, I won't let anything happen to you." He says. We hug. I dry my tears. That's when I hear it. "Percy! Olivia!" Annabeth screams. "Help!" Nina screams.

      We start running. Percy gasps. "You again." He says. "You two know each other?" I ask. "The Minotaur." He says. I'm actually not surprised to see a big half-man, half-bull thing in just underwear standing in front of me. It's holding Nina and Annabeth. "This is impossible! You killed it when you were twelve, Percy!" Annabeth shouts. "I... I know. I don't know what happened." He says. "Hey! Let go of my friends!" I shout and step foward. "No, Olivia! Leave us!" Annabeth says, after thinking for a second. "NO, SAVE US." Nina shouts. "Nina! It won't kill us, probably!" Annabeth says. "That's encouraging, Annabeth!" Nina yells. "Hey! Let them go!" Percy shouts. He steps next to me. The Minotaur stares at us. He drops Annabeth and Nina. Nina screams in pain. She holds her arm as she and Annabeth get up. Then she gets angry. You never want to see her angry.

      They both come next to us. Annabeth takes out her knife. Percy turns his pen into a sword. I give Nina the knife from my belt, then I turn my ring into a sword. Annabeth and Nina hesitate. "Ahh!" Percy and I scream. We run at the same time and attack the Minotaur like a team that's been working together for years. We cut the Minotaur but he doesn't seem hurt. It knocks me away and grabs Percy. "Ouch." I say. I look up. "Percy!" I shout. Annabeth and Nina are fighting now too. "Go!" He shouts. "No!" I yell. "Nina! Help me up!" I shout. She stops fighting. I jump up as she puts her hands under my feet and throws me up into the air. I land on the Minotaur's back. My foot slips and I grab it's horn. Then to my luck, it breaks. It drops Percy as I start to fall. I grab it's shoulder. It tries to shake me off. I grip the Minotaur horn tighter. I stick it in it's back and we both start to fall forward. When it hits the ground it bursts into dust and I hit the ground.

      "Olivia." Percy says. "Am I dead?" I ask. "No. You defeated the Minotaur." Annabeth says. "I'm guessing Percy had when he was 12." I say. "Yeah." He says. Percy picks me up. I'm covered in yellow dust. We all put our weapons away. I put my ring back on and put my arms around Percy's neck as we travel on. It was awkward with Annabeth there at first, because I'm sure at once they had something. "Okay, so what could The Prize be?" Nina asks. "Do not say your dead fish." Percy says. I laugh. "I don't know, really. I don't see how I can be a kid of Athena. I'm so stupid." I say. "You're not stupid." Percy says. "Yes I am." I say. "Why do you look down on yourself?" Percy asks. I stay silent. "Your dad would say things, wouldn't he?" Percy says. I nod. "What would he say, Olivia?" Percy asks. I shake my head. I have to be strong. I can't talk about it, I would break down.

      "If Olivia won't tell you, I guess I will." Nina says. I look at her. "I seen everything happen. I heard the things he'd say, Olivia. He would call her stupid and worthless and ugly. Just like all the people at school. But she's not!" Nina says. Nina gripped her knife tight, like she would pick a fight with anyone who disagreed. "You're one of the smartest people I've ever met, you're definitely not worthless- I mean I would probably be dead or in the Underworld right now if you hadn't saved me. And you're beautiful. Don't let anyone lead you to believe anything different." Percy says. I hug him tighter. He smiles and kisses me. After a few minutes, I ask to be put down and he does. We walk for a long time. Then we all lay down in a new alley. We lay behind a trash can. I share a blanket with Percy and soon, go to sleep.

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