Break up

213 9 3

June 18 2020
Our story begins with Josh breaking up with Nessa the day before their 8 month anniversary

Nessas POV
Today I am moving to la,from New Jersey's.I'm gonna stay with my boyfriend Josh.I just got off the plane and got a rental car,because I don't have a car here yet.I start driving to The Sway house where Josh lives.I knock on the door and Bryce opens it.I side hug him and we greet each other.
"Josh is in his room"Bryce said as we pull apart
"Thanks"I respond walking away towards my babies room

"Heyyyyyy lovelyyyyyy" I say dragging out my words while opening his door."Hi Ness" he responds while kissing me.He quickly slides he tongue into my mouth bitting my bottom lip as well I let him take control because I missed his touch.

He groans while cumming in me while I follow quickly behind I'm on the pill so it's fine.I'm breathing heavy and go to take a shower before he starts talking making me stop my movements.

"Nessa I have to talk to you about something serious" he says and by the look in his eye I can tell it's not gonna be good. "O-k" I say confused with my voice breaking in between. "Listen I love you" he says ok maybe this won't be bad "but-" he continues "-I don't think this will work out"

Tears start rushing down my face "it's not that I don't love you but I think we both need to grow separately,I think we rushed into things and we both want different careers,you want to be a singer and I feel like we should both get a start on our careers before we're in a relationship"

I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack,my breathing picks up so quickly everything is going blurry and I don't know if it's because of my tears or if I'm about to pass out because I feel very lightheaded.

"I'm not saying we can never be together but for right now I think we should break up" Break up I know what it was leading up to but those words broke me even more.I nod,I care about him to much to fight him on this if us breaking up makes him happy then we can break up and hopefully get back together.

"Can we still be friends" I ask because I need him in my life "yea of course" he says while bring me into a hug,I hug him back and after around 10 minutes of me crying in his arms we pull apart.

"So I guess I should go" I say hoping he would say no and that it was just a prank or that he's rethink us breaking up but already knowing that's not the case "yea,you should.We should also film a very clearing the air so the internet dosent make shit up" he says.I just nod knowing that if I speak I'll break down even more then I already have.

I ran out of the sway house not even gonna lie I was so embarrassed.I got in my car and moved it a few blocks away and just cried.I have no where to go and driving right now would be dumb as I can barely walk straight with the amount of tears in my eyes.I'm gonna get an Airbnb.

Dick head move fucking her then breaking up with her Josh.I didn't want to write jessa smut because it's weird to me.Next question how bad do you think Josh's breath is because he tongue is always so fucking white like dose this mother fucker not brush his teeth wtf.NEways that was part one "break up" of this story and I feel so bad for my baby Nessa

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