y-y-your a-a-a lot b-b-bigger th-en Josh-h

135 2 2

February 27
Nessa pov
At her house

I run as fast as I fucking can when I hear the doorbell. Yea it's only been like an hour but i high key missed him. I ram into my wall quickly getting my balance back and opening the door "Heyyyyy" I sing. "Did you just fall" he says laughing while walking in and side hugging me.

"No" i say earning a "really" look from the rockstar "really I didn't" "I ran into the wall" I mumbled embarrassed not really wanting him to hear me "well why the fuck were you running J" he ask with a smile on his face "ok maybe I kinda a little most definitely missed you a tiny bit" I wrap my arms around his waist while his wrap around my neck "I missed you to angel" my head in his chest and his resting on mine.

We stayed in each other's arms for a while not saying anything just two people standing in each others arms in a quite doorway.I look up at him causing him to look down at me "hi"I whisper hi? hi? Why the fuck would I say that what the fuck is wrong with me. What isn't wrong with me never mind.

"hi lovely" he whispers back I lean up to kiss him while he quickly responds and kisses me back. "Your a fucking slut" "that's joshes best friend" "that's mads's ex" "your a homie hopper" "your a homewrecker" I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and try to focus back on the kiss with the one and only person who has made me happy in the past 6 months.

Jaden pulls away as soon as I focus on the kiss and not my thoughts "what's wrong j" he says looking into my eyes with nothing but concern "nothings wrong what do you mean" "what's going on in that head of yours" "kissing the rockstar in front of me" I say while leaning in again he dodges me kissing my cheek instead leading me to the couch.Sitting next to me.

"Janesa what's wrong" he asks with nothing but care in his eyes causing me to roll mine "I already fucking told you nothings wrong shit!" I yell instantly regretting it as he takes a deep breath. I clench my eyes shut wait for the impact I definitely deserve this punishment he's being nothing but nice to me and here I am yelling at him for nothing.But he's way bigger then josh so I hope that he goes easy on me since it's his first time punishing me.

He picks me up setting me on his lap lifting my chin "I'm not yelling at you why are you yelling at me we can have a conversation without screaming at each other.Now open your eyes"he says the last part in a demanding tone "I-I'm s-s-sorry I-I-I sh-sh-hould'nt h-have y-yelled a-a-at y-y-you p-p-please don't h-hit m-me I'll be a g-g-good g-g-g-girl n-now I p-p-pr-promise"I say opening my eyes he opens his mouth but before he can talk I cut him off "y-y-your ri-right I-I-I dese-serve a p-unishment b-b-ut d-d-ont g-go t-o har-d p-p-please y-y-your a-a-a lot b-b-bigger th-en Josh-h."

"No,lovely remember what I told you when you woke up from that bad dream" i hum in response "words" he says looking deeply into my eyes "yes" "ok so what did I tell you" "your not gonna punish me or let anyone else" "and?!" He pushes "if you do punish me it would be.."I blush looking down just for him to pull my chin back up looking me in the eyes again "kinky" I mumble "louder" "your punishments for me would be kinky" I say louder.

"Also your not wrong I am ALOT bigger then josh is every way" he says with a wink and smirk "I'll be the judge of that" I say with a giggle.oh shit what if he takes it wrong and thinks I'm ready right now fuck "not right now I'm sorry I was just joking,I didn't mean to lead you on bu-" "you have nothing to be sorry for you set your rules and I'm gonna respect them entirely until you change them" I smile up at him glade we're past the subject that brought us here.

"Anyways what was wrong" goddamnit is this mother fucker a vampire as well as a rockstar,come on ness he's not a fucking vampire even though that would be pretty hot. "Nessa come back to earth"he says as he cutely waves his hand infront of my face "huh" "I asked what was wrong before" he says poking my side tickling me. "Like I said before mr Hossler nothing" "well I'm not believing that miss Barrett" "eww don't call me that I hate my last name with a burning passion" "ok fine I'm not believing mrs Hossler"he says while the blush rushes straight back to my face. "I'm joking but seriously what's wrong pretty"

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