The first person

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Nessa's pov

He smiles and hugged me "I won't make you stay in a relationship you don't want to be in" he says making me smile as well he have a simple sweet short hug and I walk back to my car and I cry but not of sadness of happiness I am finally out of that toxic relationship and I can finally get my life together.Until I remember what I walked in on and now I have to tell Jaden.

Nessa pov
Next day
12:54 am

I walk in my apartment at 12:54 am traffic was a bitch wiping my eyes. I feel strong arms wrap around me before I could even put my keys down."Why are you crying" "because I can now finally get my mental health better" I respond "but I do have to tell you something" "ok" he say hesitantly but then he leaves and goes in the kitchen to grab something but I can't see what.

Then I feel his strong tattooed arms pick me up like a baby (you know when your on the side of a person with your legs wrapped around their body your head close to their shoulder)and bringing me into my room.He sets me on my bed ,sits down next to me and gives me one of the 2 strawberry smoothie "our favorite right" he asked me with a wink I chuckle while I nod.I hug him for his sweet ass actions.

"I'm so so so fucking sorry" and guess what my pussy ass starts doing,cry I start cry in his arms.He rubs my back set me up straight and puts me on his lap not like the way in my dream but in a comforting friend way. "Why what happened" he says looking me in my eyes.I grab my phone outta off my back pocket and showing him the photo.

"I heard josh say while they were doing it that she cheated on you with him" I respond looking at his face sadden "I'm sorry"I whisper. "Why" he says with tears in his eyes and laughs a sad ass laugh that made my heart break. "If I was a better girlfriend to josh then he wouldn't have wanted to cheat on me and then he wouldn't have hooked up with mads and then she wouldn't have cheated on you" I say looking down

He goes to grab my chin causing me to flitch trying to play it off but of course he had to notice,he lays backwards pulling me with him and now we're cuddling while he plays with me hair. I like this it feels so right "has he ever hit you" he asked breaking the comfortable silence that was created.I can't answer him so I just stand up pulling of my hoodie and sweats leaving me in my bra and underwear showing all the colored bruises some blue some black some purple some yellowish green,the hickeys and the nail marks in my hips.

He just looks at me not saying anything he slowly stands up you can tell he's trying to be as careful as he can trying not to scare me anymore he then slowly puts his hand on my hips cause if me to flitch yet again he gently but quickly pulls my hips towards him and hug me

"I'm so sorry this happened but I'm always here.thank you for trusting enough to tell me this"he says all into my hair. "Thank you for making me feel safe enough to trust you,you were the first person who knows besides j-him" I say looking into his eyes.With my body still pressed against his.We just stare in each other's eye for few minutes but it didn't feel that long.But it also felt like forever.Until....

A smirk slowly fades on to his face, "let's talk about that little dream you had" he says causing me to blush "hahah let's not" I respond. "NooOo I wanna know" he pulls me down to the bed and holds me tight not tight enough to hurt me but just enough so I can't get away. "I don't think your girlfriend would be very happy with you ever so badly wanting to know another girls wet dream about you" "I don't have one" he responds.

"Jae she deserves a better breakup then you not even telling her your breaking up with her" "first off Jae"he says with that stupidly hot smirk coming back onto his face. I just roll my eyes waiting for him to continue "and secondly we broke up today because she somehow convinced herself that I cheated,just to go fuck josh"

He says with aggression and usually when people (my ex) says anything in that tone I get terrified but with him it's just so fucking hot.ok I really need to stop I'm in my underwear laying on him and I know that if I get wet right now I'll never be able to live it down. "Now tell me about the dream" he says looking at me as his eyes soften but not even 3 second layer a stern one takes it place,exactly like the one in my dream.

That look I don't know what about it but it makes me wanna do whatever he says. "What do you wanna know" I respond "everything" "yea that's not gonna happen" "then why ask what I wanted to know if you weren't gonna tell me." "Gotta keep you on your toes" I respond jokily "will I ever know" "if one day I drink to much" "ok fine"he wines.

Nessa pov
3:26 am
Her house

We've been talking for hours about anything and everything his album,our relationship problems,and we even ended up talking about body counts his being higher then my 1 "Ok I'm gonna get going" he says "no it's to late you can't drive right now" "fine I'll but stay in the guest room again." He rolls his eyes teasingly "about that"i trail off "it kinda has boxing everywhere" "but in my defense it's all la di die shit so" I say quickly trying to save myself. He rolls his eyes again and says "fine I'll just sleep on the couch" "no your the guest I will sleep on the couch you take the bed" I say about to get up "there's no way I'm talking your bed" he says pushing me lightly back down.

"Then how about we both take the bed" I say "oh you would love that wouldn't you" he responds and the smirk reappears I roll my eyes "you know what you can drive and crash I don't give a fuck" he laughs making me laugh it's like a virus I don't know. He gets in the bed "I'm just fucking around,but do you mind if I take off my shirt" "no go for it" he takes off his shirt folding it and putting it on my nightstand and that's all I remember before I fall asleep.

Jadens pov
Nessa's house
The second she fell asleep she cuddled up next do me reminding that she is also pretty undressed. I look at the time on my phone not being that tired and I see the angel number 333 I put my phone down trying to go to sleep.After a few minutes i get thirsty so I carefully get up trying not to wake up the sleeping girl next to me.I go down to the kitchen and get a water and when I down there I see that her oven says 3:33 am,it's a few minutes late and she probably doesn't even know.I open my water and walk passing the door to see 3 shoes 2 of mine and 1 of hers.No clue where so threw the other one.

I walk into the bathroom to piss before I go to sleep so I don't have any other reason to get up,I walk into her bathroom and see 3 makeup brushes,this is getting weird.I walk into her bed room getting back into bed,and just like before she cuddles up next to me throwing her arm over my chest and I see her cuts and I see that 3 of them look newly opened.

Fuck it I'm not gonna be able to sleep think about all this 3 bullshit so I look up what the repeating number 3 means,i find out that it means you are with your angel and the person you love the most your soulmate and you should listen to your heart and it will lead you the right way.That for some reason made me smile.I gently kiss her cuts and I finally fall asleep with that smile on my face.

Their not even dating and I'm thinking of ways to break them up they'll get back together


I'm just fucking around they will

And look -ripcoopmylove didn't even have to force me to update this time

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