Dont you dare fucking apologize

163 9 0

February 27
Jadens pov
Nessa's bed

I wake up to blood curling screams,I look down and see a shaking and sweating Nessa on my chest "hey angel it's ok"i say rubbing her back tears start to pour of of her closed eyes. "Please don't hurt me I'm sorry I woke you up" she said just above a whisper while clenching her eyes tighter.

"It's fine it's ok just open your eyes it's just a dream"I say calm but you can definitely hear the tiredness in my voice to her I probably don't sound like myself. "Just get it over with please josh"she said while shaking more I sit up bringing her with me. "Nessa it's me Jaden Josh is not here you ended things remember"she slowly opens her eyes while more tears fall out making me want to cry.

"I woke you up didn't I" she ask looking down,I know it's a bad timing but she looks adorable "yea but it's completely fine angel" she get up and sit in-front of my instead of on my side looking like she is waiting for something and closed her eyes again "what are you doing" "waiting for you to give me my punishment"

"Nessa Whateveryourmiddlenameis Barrett I am not gonna "punish" you nor let anyone else "punish" you" I give her my water that I got it's still a little cold"Jadia and my real name is Janesa just so you know" she says while opening her eyes also gigglin and as you guessed it even more tears spill out. "Oh i take that back" I say while a smirk appears on my face and her eyebrows go together in confusion:

"but I'm not gonna punish you in the way asshole did no I'm gonna make them more


how do I put this



I say watching her eyes go wider while a deep red shade goes to her cheeks. "Now come on" I say standing up "I-um-wai-whe-what are are you doing" she stutters out her mind most likely still trying to catch up to what I just said. "Well no offense me saying means it's definitely gonna be a little offensive but you're sweaty and a lil gross so you're gonna get in the bath." "noooo Jaden I'm to tired"she whined while dragging out all of her words.

I rolled my eyes walking to the bathroom.I put the facet on in the bathtub to a warm temperature throw in some Shampoo to make bubbles.I then walk back in her room and grab the very sleepy girl and walk her to the bathroom

"Do you want me to wash you or do you wanna do it"i ask already knowing her answer is gonna be her then I could go lay back down "you" she mumbles shocking me "ok can I undress you" I ask for her consent and making sure she is completely comfortable with what will happen,she nods her head "nu-nah ness I need words" "mhmm"she again mumbles making me shake my head "I know your tired but I need to hear you say you're completely ok with me undressing you" "You Jaden whateveryourmiddlenameis Hossler are aloud to undress and bath me Janesa Jadia Barrett."Her beautiful greenish eyes looking in mine.Even when she tired and was just crying her eyes and her in general are as gorgeous as can be

"Isaiah" I unclip her bra letting it fall to the ground and quickly look down towards her underwear so I don't stare "hot" I stop with my hands on her hip since I was going to pull down her underwear while looking up at her. "what" "Isaiah's a hot name" "why thank you janesa"I say as I continue what I was doing.

"I'm sorry if I made this weird here I am making you undress and wash me and then I call your name hot I'm sorry like really sorry I'm just tired and I just don't know how to shut the fuck up when I'm tired,is deadass kind worst then when I drunk.  "Your fine so worst then when your drunk,so you gonna tell me about that drea-" "if you didn't add the worst then when your drunk part I most likely would have but you fucked yourself" "fine can I put you in"

"What" "The tub Ness can I put you in the tub" "oh yea yea of course"

Nessa's pov
In the bathtub
Jaden washing her

He so cute I can tell he's not trying to stare or make me uncomfortable but knowing that he has to try makes me feel way prettier then I actually am."im sorry I woke you and now you have to babysit me I mean I do have nightmares quite often but I-" "Dont you dare fucking apologize I don't have to help nor care about you I choose to also don't apologize to anyone ever about how you feel ok" he asked his pretty blue eyes looking into mine that probably look like I'm high from the amount of crying I was doing

He stop what he was doing his hand place on my lower stomach close to the place I was begging him to touch a few hours ago "ok?" He repeats his voice so stern but so fucking hot making me just a little wet but he'll never knew "ok" I respond

We just continue to stare into each other's eyes until we both lend in and kissed.It was passionate and not like he only wanted me for sex his hand that was on my stomach was moving up and down slowly not close to my heat but still his other hand came up to cup my Jaw.We pulled away at the same time as smiles broke out on both of our faces he started to wash me up again.

When he was done he brought me his shirt and shorts then we brushed our teeth and went and laid in my bed I put my head on his chest while he played with my hair "Ness" "I know we have something to talk about but right now I'm exhausted and I know you probably are to,I also want to think a little bit more to try and collect my thoughts about what just happened so can we just talk tomorrow" "ok" and by his reply you can tell he was tired to.

He put his pointer finger under my chin pulling it up to look at him he then pecked my forehead then the place in between my eyebrows then my nose and then he he got to my lips he gave me a longer kiss laid his head on the pillow mumbled a very attractive "goodnight angel" and went to sleep. Angel I don't he's called me that 2 or 3 times I wonder why not that I don't like it I'll ask him tomorrow.

Not even gonna lie I forget I have to write this shit like I'll read my drafts then wait for an update like bitch you have to make it dumbass

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