The Talk

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February 27th
10:34 pm
Nessa's pov

I slowly wake up immediately shutting my eyes again because of the sunlight coming in from my window.When I finally fully wake up I get out of bed and look at the sleeping boy in it.His mouth slightly open soft sounds of air coming out,his chest slowly rising and falling,his hair messy but non the less he still looks so cute.He must be exhausted,I mean I don't blame him going to bed at like 3:30 am and then waking up again around 5 and not going back to sleep until 6.

I decide I'm going to make him breakfast in bed,he's been way to sweet so I have to pay back even if I hate the thought of food.Im going make him pancakes,bacon and eggs with apple juice because it's better then organ and that's just a fact.

While I'm mixing the batter the memories from last night come to my mind.I think I like him but I liked Josh and look at how that turned out for me.He can literally have any girl he wants why would he want me. Even if I did like him which I'm pretty sure I do he wouldn't like me back because he Josh's best fucking friend.He's definitely just being sweet because he knows about what happened with josh, I'm a pity case for him.

After I finish with the food I make him a plate and walk towards my room,I set his food and drink down on the nightstand were his shirt was before I took it now the harder part waking him up.I really hope he doesn't switch on me and actually punish me this time I mean this is my second time waking him up in the past 24 hours.

I run my fingers through his hair "Jaden it's time to wake up" I whisper resulting in a hum from the boy. "Jae come on its time for breakfast" "ok were do you want to go eat"this mother fucker didn't even open his eyes. "No dumbdick I made you breakfast" I say sitting down "dumbdick?"he questioned tiredly slowly opening his eyes. "Yes dumbdick"

He sits up and hugs me and in a very attractive tired voice he said "thank you princess" making me blush "your breath smells" I lie looking away so he doesn't see. "Maybe but I think your just trying to hide you blush" he say putting his finger under my chin again and slowly making me look at him again "your so fucking cute" he smiles grabbing his plate.

"Did you eat" he ask looking into my eyes "mmm" I hum looking away not being able to lie looking straight into his eyes. This mother fucker lift my chin making me look into his eyes yet again "Angel I'm gonna ask you one more time I want a verbal answer while your looking into my eyes understood?" "Understood" "Did you eat breakfast today" "no but I'm not hungry and I made it for you not me" "your eating" he says cutting his pancakes with his fork "I have nothing to eat" I say while he holds up a pice of his pancake to my mouth "Jaden I'm not eati-" I'm cut off with the pancake being shoved in my mouth.He then cut a piece for himself "these are good" he says kissing my check. "Thank you" I smile.

"So what do you wanna do today"questions the blacked haired boy next to my while holding a piece of egg near my mouth.Knowing it's gonna get in there anyway I just eat it "i don't know what do you wanna do today" "I don't know that's why I asked you Janesa" "don't even start with that shit,I fucking hate that name" "wait what why" "because it's weird like it's not Vanessa it's Janesa" "well I think it's pretty""you don't have to lie" "I'm not" "yes you are" "no I'm not" "yes yo-"

He cuts me off again but this time by kissing me I kiss back bringing my hand to his neck closing my eyes and letting myself melt into the kiss. I hear him put the plate down then he picks me up and puts me on his lap so I'm straddling him.His hands on my hips kinda close to my ass.My body unintentionally starts to grind on him making me let out a soft moan into the kiss.He pulls away smiles up at me pecks my lips and puts me back on the side of him and holds another piece of pancake to my mouth while a deep shade of red comes on my face. "Whyyyyy"I whine "because you need to eat" not what I meant dickwad but fine.I open my mouth and we continue to eat together.

After we finished eating I rise off the dishes and I am placing them in the dishwasher. "Hey J" I hear as the boy walks down the stairs "who" I question while giggling and drying my hands "J cause your name starts with a J" "but that's what I call you" "then I guess we'll call each other it" "ok jae whatsup" "I think we need to have a talk" "yea I guess we do. My room?"

(Ok this might get confusing "J" is Nessa and "Jae" is Jaden)

We are sitting on my bed in complete and utter silence "Nessa what the fuck is going on" "I don't know Jaden.I've been having some weird and confusing feelings towards you but I just don't want to get hurt again,and I knew falling for you would be bad because your Josh's best friend,Mads ex boyfriend and you can have literally any girl who is far more pretty then me so I know it's bad that I have any type of feelings for you but I do" "Ok let's start with this I've have been having confusing feelings towards you for a while now.I would never hurt you the way he did and even if he's my best friend he fucked up and you are gorgeous inside and out.We both love the same things have the same sense of humor.But even if we did want to start something we have to wait"

"I think I want to start something but we do have to wait to be respectful to Josh and Mads oh fuck this will really hurt them" "What no fuck them this is about how your not ready for a relationship yet,ness you have to stop putting people before you.Do you really think they thought of us while they were doing what they were doing?"

"No I guess not but Jaden is this something worth putting my feelings into,I don't want to get hurt or just be used for sex again" "This is something worth putting your feelings into.Ness I'm willing to wait for you to be mentally ok for something,I'm waiting until your ready to do anything this whole thing will go at your pace" He says looking me in the eyes you can tell a lot about a person from there eyes and his hold nothing but honesty,not to mention eye contact is a HUGE turn on.

"Ok"I mumble making him smile "ok so what are we" he questions "I don't think I'm ready for a title yet" I respond looking down low key terrified of his reaction. "Ok completely understandable so what are the things we are aloud to do like what are your boundaries" ok he is so fucking cute "Well I don't want anything on the internet so maybe stay away from the public eye and if we do ever end up publicly not to be to touchy" I watch him nod encouraging me to continue "I'm ok with being kissy and cuddly in private we can have sleep overs.I don't want anyone to know just yet.not that I'm embarrassed of y-" "ness I get it anything else" "I'm not ready for sex just yet,I'm sorry" "there absolutely no need to be sorry" he says kissing me.

This one's softer then the others this one you can tell he being gentle most likely trying to make sure I'm comfortable but I want him to be a little rougher so I put his hand on my hip opening my mouth to let his tongue explore my mouth I slowly lean back him thankfully taking the cue to hover over me his hands slowly start tracing my side making me a little insecure but my mind is quickly token away from my body when he shoves his tongue in my mouth.My and his tongue fight for dominance his fastly winning.I whine while bringing my hands to his neck playing with his hair.

After a few minutes of that we pull apart "wanna sleep over again" I ask still trying to catch my breath. "Yea let me go home shower and get some clothes I'll text you when I'm on my way back." "Ok" I say wanted to kiss him goodbye but is it really goodbye if I'm gonna see him in like an hour,am I being to clingy already I don't want to scare him off. "Ness" i hum in response "I need my shirt to leave"

"oh yea right I'm sorry" I go to pull it over my head forgetting that I don't have anything on under it until I feel his hand stop me when the shirt was under my boob "J I don't need to walk in the house hard they'll never let me live it down" "I'm sorry"I run into my closet taking off the shirt throwing on one of my oversized ones and going back into the room and handing him the shirt. I walk him downstairs and I don't know if I should kiss him or not this is to fucking confusing. "See ya"I say hugging him he chuckles giving me a peck on the lips "later"and with that he opens the door and walks away leaving me there with a stupid ass smile on my face

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