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I usually don't update this quick but I made a deal so yea

February 26 2021
Nessa's pov
Her house

"can..I ...moan please da..ddy" I say breaking my sentence every time trying not to moan "yes why not I really want to hear how much of a slut you are" instead of trying to correct him again I just moan—-i shoot awake and cry out in frustration I was so fucking close "I was so fucking close why couldn't I just cum.Also why the fuck am I having a wet dream about Jaden Hossler" I say to myself pulling my hand out of my shorts not even knowing it was there.

"I would also  like to know why your having a wet dream about Jaden Hossler"I hear the voice of the man I was just calling daddy and wishing would shoving his big ass cock in me.My eyes widen as I look up to see him looking so fucking hot ok sorry not the time not the time.

February 26 2021
Jadens pov
The studio
9:50 pm
I am here at the studio after me and mads broke up again.She thinks I'm cheating she has no trust in me,which kinda makes me want to cheat I'm not a cheater but being told you a cheater and the internet hating on you because your a "cheater" it's like why not just do it.

Anyway I don't have anything to do here because Travis is not here,well nobody from my team is so I'm kinda just chilling.I here someone rushing around but I don't think anything of it but I do have to pee so I get up and go to the bathroom,After I finish i walk out and almost slam into Bree who looks to be in a rush that's prolly what I heard. "Oh Jaden thank god can I ask you a favor" she asks "yea wassup" "ok so I'm in a big rush but I have Nessa's cars keys and I need you to bring them to her apartment,if she's alseep which she prolly is then just walk in with her house key which is right here and put them in her bedroom" she asked with pleading eyes "your lucky I was board and had nothing to do here anyway" I respond jokely.

I go to my car and start my journey to the house of Nessa Barrett,when I get their it's around 10:45 I knock a few times then just walk in like I was told.I walk into her bedroom remembering which one it was from the time I drove her home back in December.When I walk in I see her twisting and whining I thinks she having a nightmare until I hear her moan and not only does she moan she moans my name which not gonna lie was hot as fuck.i see her hand go into her shorts definitely pleasing her but not as much as i could.I am stood in shock yea I feel weird feeling towards her since we stared working on la di die together but I never would have thought I would hear her moan my name.

All of a sudden she shoots up and looks so annoyed crying out in frustrations."I was so fucking close why couldn't I just cum. Also why the fuck am I having a wet dream about Jaden Hossler" "I would also  like to know why your having a wet dream about Jaden Hossler"

Back to Nessa's pov
Her house

"Has this happened before" he asks with a smirk "n-n-n-no" I respond stuttering because I'm embarrassed but becoming even more embarrassed because of my stuttering. "Ok" he says sitting down like nothing happened "why are you here" "oh yea Bree asked me to drop off your keys because she had something to do"

"We can't just skip over this" he says after a few minutes of silence look at my whole body stopping at my wrapped wrists. "Why" he asked as tears filled his eyes. I don't know why but I just told him told him about Josh treating me terrible,me and mads friendship break up not everything but a lot of shit I was keeping down,I just feel like I can trust him not to judge me or hurt me.

"Well I think you should explain to josh how you feel and get out of the relationship until your metal heath is better" he say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear again butterflies.But he's wrong if I go to josh and tell him that he will kill me.

"Ok"I say lowly knowing his right but if he does kill him it's gonna be over anyway so fuck it. "Now" he says sternly looking me in the eyes,which turned me on just a little.Ok what the fuck is wrong I've never been to submissive but he just makes me feel so I don't know little.So I got up got ready in a hoodie and sweats when I walked back into my bedroom I see Jaden still there. "Would you like me to stay here until you come back" he asked making my heart melt "yes please" I respond with a light smile.

Skip to sway
Nessa's pov

I walk in the house which is never locked,stupid I know.I walk straight into Joshs room and see something I never thought I would see

Josh fucking mads "your suck a hoe you cheated on you ex who is my best friend with me" josh says grunting "really I could say the same about you" mads responds Ok think I'm weird but I took a picture because I want to show Jaden and if something ever happens and people try to call me a cheater I could use this.I then knock on the doorframe making my presents known.

"Oh my god ness what are you doing here"Josh ask quickly while mads just pulls the blanket to cover her whole body. "I wanted to talk to you but my phone was dead so I couldn't text you" I respond with a calm voice even tho there are tears in my eyes. He nods at me singling me to keep going "Josh I would like to only be friends.My mental state is not good enough for a relationship and you obviously want to have freedom to do whatever you want so being just friends will be good for the both of us"I say biting my lip hoping that he will take this well.

Also I did publish this then unpublished it and made some changes.I'm most definitely gonna get arrested by the smut police once -ripcoopmylove reads this.But I have so much fucking smut ideas for when they are together.I'm speedy that up I have 2 more drafts and they already had their first kiss so you'll just have to wait a little bit for dominate daddy jxdn and little girl nessy xoxo I love you.

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