Chapter 1

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Let me start off by telling you about me...

~My name is Amy Rose. Im 18 and live in Muligar,Ireland. I share an apartmentwith my bestfriend,Sam. I moved in with Sam 3 years ago, we've been frends for 5 years. Our dream was to live in California,but we both grw up in Ireland so decided not to.We love One Direction, but there is one difficulty, my bestfriend since my birth, Niall Horan is in my favorite band. I miss him so much and havent seen him since he left for X-Factor, 3 years ago. He is a year older then me.We havent talked in 2 years an i always wonder if he remembers me~

                                                            *BEEP BEEP BEEP*

 I woke up to my alarm screaming. I got up and hit my alarm, making the noise stop instantly. I got out of bed and headed for the shower. I put my IPhone on the IHome dock and turned on the Marianas Trench playlist...

"I CAN BE YOUR PERFECT DISASTER. YOU CAN BE MY EVER AFTER!!!" I sang obnoxuosly loud. "I can hear you from my room, SHUT UP!" Sam screamed at me. I chuckled and rinsed my body. Once i got out of the shower I put on a light blue tank topand white ripped jeans,with black sandals.

"Sam, what are we doing today?" I asked my bestfriendwhile walking into the kitchen to see her making breakfest. "Why the hell are you asking me!?" she said,sounding slightly annoyed. 'Well someones on their period.." I said laughing. "Sorry,Im just pissed off at Josh." Sam said her head in her hands. Eww. I thought, I wanted to throw up at the mension of her boyfriend's name."What did he do this time?" I asked, curious. "Its just after being together a year and 4 months, you would think he would stop asking me to lose my virginity to him!" Sam said. "Well, just give it up then.." I said laughing. "No! Im just... mot ready yet." Sam said blushing. "I get it. Im not either,well i dont have a boyfriend anyway so..." I said trailing off. "Thats because you turn down everyone that asks you out!' Sam said laughing. "Because they are jerks!" I said trying to be serious. That failed because Sam looked at me with a wierd expression on her face, we both started laughing our arses off. Once we settled down Sam spoke up, "I have surprise for you!' she said overly excited. "What is it! What is it!" I asked like a little kid on christmas.She pulled on envelope out of a drawr, I gave her a questioning look. "Open it!!" Sam screamed. I opened it and screamed at the top of my lungs,jumping up and down. "OH.MY.GOSH." I screamed looking at the One Direction tickets in my hand. "How the hell did you get these?" I asked, looking at the best person in the world. "Well, I entered an online survey about them. and the first 100 people to get all the answers right got two front row concert tickets. So i guess I got all the answers right." She said calmly. How could she be so calm at a time like this!? "Jesus Lord. You're the best friend in the world. I love you!" I said hugging Sam and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Want to know the best part?" Sam asked. "It gets better?" I asked shocked.She giggled. "ITS IN CALIFORNIA!" She practically screamed in my face. "Wait how are we-" "I got tickets, duh" she cut me off, reading my mind and shoving another enveloppe in my face. I opened it and sure enough there were two plane tickets to Cali. "We leave at 7 in the damn morning!' I screamed. "Better get your arse upstairs and start packing." Sam said. I groaned and ran up to my room. "How long are we staying there babes?" i yelled sticking my head out my bedroom door. "A week, but pack a lot of cloths, like a lot, a lot." she yelled back. I obeyed and packed most of my cloths.I had two suitcases and a backpack for the plane ride. "Ready!" i yelled running down the stairs, almost falling flat on my face in the process. Oh my lord, it took me 2 hours to pack! 'What do you want to do for dinner?" Sam asked as I walked into the living room."We could go to Nandos." I suggested, I love Nandos."Okay,do you mind if Josh comes?" Sam asked looking up from her phone. "Ugh,does he have to come?" I said. "Please?" She said giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fine." I groaned. "Thank you. Thank you. Hes gonna meet us there." She said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the door and locking it behind us. "And we're off!" She screamed starting the car. I laughed and turned on the radio. Kiss you came onand me and Sam gave each other a glance and turned it on full blast,windows down, siging our hearts out. Harry's part came on and I swear Sam was about to rape the radio.I giggled.As the song went on and me and Sam were belting out the lyrics, Niall's part came on and we both fell silent,this usaully happens...I smiled wide, Im proud of him. After the song Sam turned the radio down and looked at me,"Maybe you'll see him at the concert and he'll remember you!" Sam said. "Or he'll think im just another obssesed fan."I said my smile turning into a frown."Think positive!" Sam yelled smacking me in the back of my head. "OW." i siad rubbing my head. "We're here!" Sam shouted,acting as if nothing happened. We got out of the car. I saw Josh and nudged Sam and pointed to him. She squealed, running to him and jumping into his arms. She kissed his lips. "Well lets go inside." Josh said after disconnecting his lips with Sam's. We walked into Nandos and got booth by the window. Me and Sam sat on one side while Josh sat on the other.The waitress came over, looked at Josh and licked her lips. WHAT.THE.ACTUAL.HELL. Me and Sam looked at each other and laughed quietly. Iooked over at Josh wh was trying to hide a smirk with a disgusted look on his face. He really disgusts me. "Can I start you off with something to drink?" The waitress asked looking at us,finally. "2 waters and...' I said looking at Josh to finish thes entence. "A coke please." He said."Be right back." our waitress said walking away,not before winking at Josh."Did you see the way she looked at you!' Sam said,rather loudly. We all laughed. "I know. She licked her lips!" Josh said laughing. "You liked it.." I said mumbling, trying not to be heard."What"? "Huh?" both Sam and Josh said at the same time. "Nothing." I said coldly. I really dont like Josh, I already think hes cheating. "Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress said putting our drinks in front of us. I looked at Sam then Josh and we all nodded with each other. "I'll have the peri peri chicken." we all said in unison. We all laughed, even the waitess. "Okay then, coming right up." She said and walked away."What are you guys doing when we leave here?" Josh asked me and Sam. "Well,we-" "We are going home and going to sleep!" i said cutting Sam off in the process."Josh, me and Amy are going to California tomorrow morning." Sam said unsure."Oh i'll miss you baby." Josh said with a frown on his face. "I'll miss you too!" Sam cooed,grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers over the table.The waitress came over with our food. As she was setting down ourplates she saw Josh's and Sam's hands intertwined and rollled her eyes, mumbled something, and walked away.We ate our food in silence. We were done Josh paid, me and Sam insisted we pay be he didnt listen to us. We went to our cars, Josh dropping us off at our car, giving Sam a kiss and saying goodbye.When we got home it was 7:00, so we put in Peter Pan and watched in on the couch.While watching it Sam fell asleep with her head on my lap. I got a pillow and lifted her head replacing my leg with the pillow. I got a thin blanket and put it on her, shut the tv off and went upstairs to my room. I put on pajamas and layed in bed, setting my alarm for 6am. I layed down falling asleep.


"Niall...stop that tickles!" I screamed inbetween laughs. Niall was tickling my sides while we were trying to watch a movie in his room."Say im the bestest friend in the universe!" Niall said stopping for a second. "Never!!" I screamed. He laughed,"You asked for it then." He said tickling me again. "Okay Okay i'll say it." i said inbeween laughs. "I'm waiting." Niall said stopping again. "You're the bestest friend in the universe." I screamed. "I know." Niall said cockily.

~End of Flashback~

"I just want to show you off to all of my friends, making them drool down th-" I turned my alarm off and woke up.Me and Niall were at his house that day i was 14 and Niall just turned 15,we were watching Monsters Inc. I smiled at the memory that was playing over and over in my head. I got up and showered. When i got out i put on grey Areo sweatpants and a green shirt that says, One Direction Should Rule The World. I went downstairs and woke Sam up. "Sam wake up its 6:20!" i yelled in her ear. She shot up and went to her bathroom.15 minutes later she cam out wearing th same sweats as me and a purple one direction shirt.We got our stuff ready and called a taxi to come pick us up and take us to the airport.

W got to the airport just in time, they were boarding our plane.We rushed over to the lady, gave her our plane tickets and took our seats on the plane. We both fell asleep during the flight, but were woken up by a flight attendents voice, "please fassen your seat belts, we are about to land." Me and Sam squealed while fassening our seatbelts. It took a while for us to get off the plane and get a taxi." Where to ladys?" the taxi drver asked as we got into the taxi. "Hampton Inn, please." Sam said. It took 10 minutes to get to the inn. "28.50" the driver said flatly.I gave him 30. "Keep the change" i said. "Thank you ma'am." he said before speeding off. We went to the front desk and got our hotel room key. Our room was on the 6 and last floor, number 115. "oh my" i said walking in, The room was absolutly beautiful. It had 2 bedrooms,each with a bathroom. A lovely kitchen, a living room, a dinning room, and a balconi. I ran to the first room, with a king sized bed. "CALL IT!"I screamed, making Sam laugh."We have the concert tomorrow night,we should get some sleep its 10pm" Sam said. "Alright,wake up at about 9 to go shopping?" I asked. "Sounds good." She said. "Goodnight" isaid laying back on my bed. "Night." Sam said walking into her room. I let sleep take over me instantly dreaming of the concert tomorrow night~

 Authors Note:

This is my first fanfiction go easy on me. So first chapter, what do you think? My friends like it \, because i wrote it in a notebook, so i thought I should write on here..

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