Chapter 4

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Niall's POV.

I woke up to Liam shakimg me. "Niall wwake up. Its 7 we have an hour." Liam whispered, careful not to wake Amy up. I woke up, carefully untangling myself from Amy. She stirred in her sleep but thankfully didnt wake up. I got ready, wearing a red polo and chinos "Come on mates, Harry isn't feeling well. I dont believe that bull but oh well." Louis said. "Were going to be late!" Zayn said. I Quickly wrote a note to Amy and darted down the hotel hallway to catch up with he boys. We got in the car and started for the studio...

Sam's POV.

I woke up in...Harry's bed? Oh yeah there was no extra rooms... Wiat is he naked? OMFG! Harry Styles is naked while im in bed with him JESUS MOTHER OF GOD hagsjdh. I shifted so i wouldn't freak out. I moved my hand like an inch and... oh my god, i just touched Styles jr. How is he still asleep!? I removed my hand looked over at him, and he was deffinitely still asleep. Awe he was even snoring, he has a cute snore. He started to toss and turn. I was still, no movement at all. I finally came to my senses and lay on my side facing upisite of Harry. Well that failed because Harry just spooned with me. I was uncomfortable but was getting turned on. NO SAM. STOP. WAKE HIM UP. I screamed at myself, but instead i layed there and got comfortable. Harry started mumbling. "Sam.." He trailed off "Harry?" I said, not sure if he was awake. "Am i naked?" He asked. Is he seriously asking me this? Shouldnt he know that his junk is rubbing all up on me! "Yes, Harry, you are naked." I said laghing. Harry shot open his eyes and looked at me blushing. "Its okay Harry." I said, him seeming reaally insecure. As Harry was uncovering himself Amy walked in without even knocking! "OH SWEET MOTHER OF JESUS!" Amy screamed. "GET IT SAM..and Harry." Amy said smirking,walking out the door. I felt heat rush to my cheeks and looked at Harry who was blushing like mad. "This is going to be a wonderful morning." Harry said going to his closet. I sheilded my eyes. "Im gonna go talk to Amy." I said. "Wait for me!" Harry siad. "But you have to take a shower!" I whined. "Just wait." Harry said. "Fine" I groaned sitting on the bed. "You can even hack my twitter." He said giving me his IPhone. I snatched it and went on twitter...


@Michifornia is the most beautiful and funniest person ever, I LOVE YOU!

I tweeted. Well time to play games and wait for him.

Amy's POV.

WOAH! Harry and Sam? Meant for each other? DEFFINITELY! Okay so Niall isnt here but Harry is? I went to the kitchen and found a note on the counter.

Dear Amybear ;)

Me and the boys had to go to the recording studio. Harry he wasn't feeling well so he stayed. You can stay in the hotel room and make yourself at home while we're out. Call me you wake, love, so i know you're okay. If i dont answer for god knows what reason, heres Lou's number, he will definitely answer. (716)-697-2298

Love you, Niall

I smiled like a mad man at the note. Niall is so sweet. Harry didn't look sick at all! Oh Well. I got out my phone and called Niall. No answer. Okay. I'll try Louis. "Hello?" He said into the phone. "Hey Louis, do you know why Ni isnt answering his phone?" I questioned, worriedly. "Amy, Niall is uh kinda crying.." Louis said. I imagined him rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. "What? Why?" i asked frantically. "Just come down here now he'll only listen to you." Louis said really fast,hanging up. I put my phone in my back pocket of my jeans and ran intto Harry's room to grab Sam. "Sam, lets go now!" I said making her jump. "What is going on?" Sam said. "I dont know, but Niall is crying. Lets go!" I said "But what about Harry and Becca?" Sam asked. "They can drive together right now we have to go." I said running out the door, Sam right behind me.

I got to the recording studio, with the directions Louis texted me. I ran into the studio Sam walking fast but still way behind me. I went up to the lady at the front desk. "Where is One Direction's studio?" I asked out of breath. "Can't give out that info, sorry." She said. "Tell me where they are, they are my friends!" I screamed. "2nd room to your left." She said, scared. I ran to the room and finally Sam caught up to me. I barged through the door. "Where..Is..he?" i said hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. "Bathroom." Is all Zayn said. I walked to the bathroom door and knocked lightly. No answer, I tried to open it. Locked. Damn you Niall. "Ni? Open up!" I yelled. "Amy?" his voice cracked. "Yes, please let me in." i said. He opened the door, pulled me in, and slammed the door shut. He collasped to the floor. I got down to his level. "Niall, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked, wiping his tears. "I- my-my twi-twitter." He said, handing me his phone. I skimmed his twitter... HATE!

'Niallis so ugly'

'Why are you in the band?'

'Finally got braces, doesnt make you look better'

'I love one direction, except Niall'

'Niall is worthless'

'Leave the band, no one likes you'

I couldnt read anymore. All the boys were trying to defend him saying he was amazing and a huge part of 1-D, but that still didnt stop them. I was in tears. I looked at Niall, he was curled in a ball bawling his eyes out. I have to be strong. "NI?" I said, he lifted his head. "Ye-Yes?" He said. I grabbed his face and looked him stiaght in the eyes. "Niall, you are absolutely amazing, beauiful, and have an amazing voice. These people are mentally retarded. You are more than worthy to be in the band, just like the rest of the band. You need to know that you are perfect no matter what! And i am proud to call you my bestest friend in the whole world. I love you, Niall." I said. He smiled wide and gave me a "Horan" hug. "I love you, Amy." He whispered in my ear. "Can we get out of this bathroom?" I asked. "Of course." He said standing up. He gave me his hand and helped me up. We walked out of the bathroom and every one was waiting, including Harry and Becca. "Okay, lets go to Nandos!" Me and Niall said at the same time. "There isn't a Nandos here, Niall and Amy.." Louis said. OH HELL NO I NEED MY NANDOS. SHIT. IS.ABOUT. TO. GO. DOWN!

Authors note.

sorry for spellng anything wrong. Comment what you think please. I want more votes and reads to continue this. I feel no one likes it and i should just give up. Im a terrible writter sorry...

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