Chapter 6

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"Never have i ever kissed one of the boys from one direction, on the lips."Louis said. We all drank. "never have i ever had a crush on my best friend." Me, niall, harry,and louis drank. "Tension.." Zayn mumbled. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Never have i ever had sex." Harry said. All the boys and Becca drank. Me and Sam just looked at each other. "You 2 are virgins?" The boys screetched. I nodded. "Yup" Sam siad, popping the 'p'. "Thats a good thing." Niall said under his breath. I was the only one who heard that... I was sitting next to him. "Never Have i ever made out in a closet." Niall said. me and Louis were the only two who drank... awkward. I could see Niall's jaw clench. Was he mad? Why would he be? "Foods here!" Liam shouted.We went to the kitchen to eat...

"So how long are you boys in Cali?" I asked after eating. "2 weeks, but 2 days past so 12 more days." Harry said.

Niall's POV.

Amy and Louis made out in the closet. She kissed me after? Did she want to kiss me? I know I wanted to kiss her.I was ferious.

We were trying to find a movie to watch. "Toy Story!" Liam shouted. "NO!" We all screamed. "Okay, jeeze." Liam huffed. " Paranormal Activity 4" Zayn said. "Yes." most of them said, including me. Guess were watching that. Amy came over and sat next to me. "Can we cuddle? Im scared." She said. She's so adorable, how can i say no. "Of course, babe come here." I said pulling her close. She rested her head in the crook of my neck, while i rested my head on top of her's. Amy screamed and gripped my arm tight when the aunt snapped the boy's neck. I grabbed her and pulled on my lap. She gripped my waist and had her head on my chest.

The movie was almost over and Amy has fallen asleep on my lap. She looks like an angle when she sleeps. "Awe, Amy fell asleep." Becca said disappionted. "Movies over. Im tired. Every out, except Niall." Sam said. All the boys and Becca left, giving Sam a kiss on the cheek. "Niall, can you carry her to her bedroom? Its the 3rd room down the hall." Sam said rather then asking. "Yeah." I said. "Thanks Niall night." Sam said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and went off to bed.I walked into Amy's, Amy said in my arms, bridal style. I placed on her bed, tucking her in. I was walking away but Amy grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Sleep over?" Amy asked. "I'm scared as hell." She added. "move over." I said getting into the bed. We cuddled and intertwined our fingers. I wish she was really mine! "Night Shamrock,love you." Amy siad. I chuckled at the nic-name she gave me when we were little.


"Irish besties!" Me and Amy screamed. Amy tripped over the sandbox, making me fall over her. "Ow." Amy said. I got up and looked at her. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. "Yeah im fine." Amy said getting up and tagging me. "You're it!" She yelled, running away. I chased her through the yard and finally caught her. "Nope, you're it." I said running away from her this time. "I quit!" Amy said. I laughed and sat in the grass that was full of shamrocks. Amy plopped down next to me. She picked a shamrock from the ground and put it in my hand. "You're my shamrock, okay?" Amy said. "Okay then you're my charm okay?" I said. "Perfect." Amy said. The rest of the day we layed in the grass until I had to go home.

End of Flashback~

"Night Charm. Love you." I replied. She giggled and got closer to me, if that was even possible. She fell asleep in my arms. It felt so right, i soon drifted off to sleep happily...

Amy's POV.

I woke up in the same possition i fell asleep in. I got up carefully, making sure not to wake up Niall. I walked past Sam's room to hear her talking to... "No Josh, I never want to see you ever again!" Sam whisper yelled. UGH, Josh! "Go fuck your little slut!" Sam screamed. I heard the phone slam against the wall. I looked down the hall, i dont think Niall woke up. I made eggs, bacon, and toast and set the table. "I made breakfest." I said walking onto Sam's room. "Okay, thanks babe, be out in a sec." She said getting up. I walked into my room and saw Niall on my bed reading my journal. NO! He looked like he was crying. "That's personal.." I whispered. "How could you do that to yourself?" Niall said wiping tears from his eyes. "I made breakfest." I said, trying to change the subject. "I dont give a shit!" Niall said, tears rolled down his cheeks. Niall said no to food, its serious. Well, it is serious, my journal has entries about me self-harming, becoming anirexic, and being bulimic. My last entry was yesterday, i wrote..

Dear Diary,

Well its been 2 months since i stopped cutting. I'm still bulimic and in a way anirexic. I try to stop but its hard. Sam has pulled me through. She has always been there. I'm glad Niall and the boys are here. Last time I throw up? 4 days ago. I still have scars from self-harm, but they are barely noticible. This is going to be the shortest entry because I have to get back the boys. Sam is always teling me stop, i try hard. I always end up failing. I want to tell Niall, but im afriad of what it could do to him. Crush him? Harm him? Make him feel guilty? Fall apart?


"How?" Niall said crying silently. "Im sorry Niall." I said engolfing him in a hug. "When's the last time you ate?" Niall said, still hugging me. "I ate Nandos before coming here and i ate last night, but before that a month." I whispered in his ear.

Author's note

I was going to write more but i have to get off. The rest tomorrow, promise.Bye

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