Chapter 13

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Amy's POV.

"Will you please tell me where we're going!" Me and Niall whined. "No!" Liam said laughing. "You guys could've at least told me." Niall said. "You would tell her the second we told you, you can never keep a secret." Harry said shaking his. The taxi stopped and I looked out the windowshield. "Damn, just a red light." I mumbled, but Niall was like dying. His laugh is so adorable. "Excited much!" Niall said inbetween laughs. Every one gave us confused looks as we couldnt stop laughing in our seats. The light turned green and we started driving again. "Will you at least tell me when we're going to get there?" I asked. "Like 10 minutes." Harry said. I stared out the window as we passed. I started thinking which really never goes well for me. I lifted up my hoodie sleeve, which reaveled the almost unnoticible scars. The one thing I like about my scars, no, is that they are barely noticible. I thought about all the times i've cut, high school, the first year. Sam was my only friend. I was bullied so I started cutting. Then I became anerexic, then I would eat something and throw it up right after, bulimic. I thought about Louis and how he cheated. Was I not good enough? Did he only use me? Did he even like me? Why would he do it? I let a tear slip out of my eye as I rolled my sleeve down. The taxi came to a hault. I looked out the window to see we were in front of an amusement park. Niall sqealed like a little kid. I put on a fake smile. Yes I was happy but them thoughts kept putting me down. I got out of the car followed by Niall, Sam, adn Harry. Zayn and Liam got out on the other side. We walked to the gate and the guy opened it. "This place looks empty." I said looking around. "Thats because it is, just for you." Harry said patting the top of my head. I smiled a real smile. These boys are like family, I love them.

"Okay lets split into pairs." Liam said. "Um me and Liam." Zayn said. "Me and Harry." Sam said. "And me and Amy." Niall said. "Meet here in an 1 hour to switch partners?" Sam asked. "Yup." I said. "Lets go!" We all yelled running off with our partners. "The Death Coster sounds cool." Niall said. "Sounds scary, lets go." I said dragging Niall to the roller cooster. He was laughing all the way to the roller cooster, god I love his laugh. We got to the ride and the guy straped us in and pressed a botton. We started going up the steep hill. I was scared, so I grabbed Niall's hand and squezed it. He chuckled and squezed back. We reached the top, only to plumit down the steep and long hill. I couldn't even get out a scream. We went up and down like 5 hills and then we finally came to a hault. I liked at Niall, his face was pricless, he loooked like a cat in water. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked at me, "What?" He asked seriously. "Nothing." I said and unbuckled my seatbelt. We left the ride, "I'm hungry, are you?" Niall asked. I havent eaten all day. "No." I lied. "But you can eat if you want." I said. "Alright." Niall said going up to a stand. "Pizza in a cone please, are you sure you're no hungry?" He asked again. "Yeah im sure." I said. He got his food and we sat down on a bench. He was eating his food so fast it was gone before i could even say anything. "Hungry much?" I said. Niall blushed, "Yeah, I haven't eaten all day." He said. "Oh, do you want to go in the bumper cars?" I asked him. "Yeah, Ima whoop your ass." Niall said running towards the cars. I ran after him. "I'd like to see you try Horan!" I screamed as we got into the cars. The flipped a switch and I started chasing Niall. I bumped him and his body jaulted forwards. We started racing after each other and after the 5 minutes were up we added up how many times we bumped ech other. "6." Niall said. I laughed, "12." I said inbetween laughs. "You cheated!" Niall whined. "I did not." I defended. "Whatever, lets go on the swings." Niall said. He grabbed my hand and brought me to the swings. We sat in a two seater swing and gave a thumbs up to the guy who was running the ride. He swiped a card of some sort and the ride started. The swing went up high and started going faster. It was relaxing. Niall grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. The wind blowing in our faces was probably the most comfort i've had in a while.

Once we got off the ride we went to play a few games before the hour was up. Niall won me a stuffed bear and little plastic polar bear that was so cute. We met the rest at the same spot, next to the soda machine. "Okay new partners, GO!" Sam screamed. She grabbed me, Liam grabbed Harry, and Niall grabbed Zayn. "Meet here in an hour." Zayn said before skipping off with Niall by his side. Me and Sam were talking while we walked around. "So what did you and Niall do?" Sam asked wiggling her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes, "We went on a few rides and played a few games, thats all." I said truthfully. "You should've kissed him." Sam said grinning. I looked at her in complete shock, "I have recently just come out of a relationship, thank you very much." I said. I hate Louis! "Yeah, with a complete douche." Sam said. "I know but I dont want to get into something, he doesn't even like me Sam." I said quitely. "Do you see the way he looks at you? He feels the same, Amy, I know he does." Sam said seriously. "Can we not talk about this right now? What did you and Harry do? Have sex in a photobooth?" I asked laughing. She smacked me in the arm. "No!" She said laughing. "That gives me an idea! Lets go take pictures in a photo booth!" I said grinning. "They have on?" Sam asked confused. "Yeah, me and Niall saw one but we didnt have enough time to take them." I said turning the corner and finding the photobooth. "See." I said pulling Sam into the booth. "It's a dollar, do you want to have like 5 strips?" I asked laughing."Let's get six so we can each pay 3 dollars for the two strips." Sam said. "Perfect." I said putting a dollar in. I picked the color strip. In the first picture me and Sam smiled. The second Sam kissed my cheek. Third I kissed her cheek. And fourth stuck our touges out. We took the rest of the pictures and got out we ended up having 6 strips ech, obviously. We looked at all the pictures and started laughing at how stupid we are. We went on a few rides before we had to meet the rest. "We should get going, we have to go to rehersals." Liam said. "Can we come?" Me and Sam asked in unison. "Louis is gonna be there.." Harry trialed off. "I dont care, im not gonna let him ruin my social life." I stated. "Fiesty." Zayn said. I laughed as we went to a taxi. "We have to go striaght there." Harry said. "Okay." We all said. The taxi driver drove off to the boys' recording studio.

Once we got there Liam payed the driver the money and we rushed inside. Once we got to there studio they were 5 minutes late.Louis was already there. I looked around and saw girls dancing, must be back up dancers, I thought to myself. One girl was dancing better then the others and was gorgeous. I tapped Sam's shoulder and pointed to her. "She's amazing." Sam said. It looked like she was getting lost in the music. The rest of the girls stopped but she didnt. She finally stopped and took a sip of her water. I took this as a chance to talk to her. I pulled Sam along with me. "Hey, I'm Amy." I said. "And I'm Sam." Sam added. "Hi guys, I'm Twilight, but you can call me Twi or Taco." She said, I laughed. "Taco?" I questioned. "Haha, yeah, I love tacos." She said. "You're a really good dancer." Me and Sam blurted out. "Thanks. So are you guys friends with the boys?" Twilight asked. "Well actually I've been friends with Niall my whole life and met him at the concert and the boys and us have been hanging out ever since so yeah." I said. "That's amazing well i have to get back to dancing. Talk to you when we're all done practicing?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. "Of course." Sam added. She walked off and started dancing agian. "We made a new friend!" Sam screetched. "Correction, best friend." I said as we sat and watched the boys reharse. Louis glanced at me occasionally but I just kept giving him the finger and mouthing 'I hate you' to him. He would look away while the boys and Sam laughed. Louis looked sad but I really didn't care about his feelings, just like he didn't care about mine.~

Author's Note

So im thinking of starting another fanfiction, what do you think?


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