Chapter 10

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Sam;s POV. (still)

"You know i really like you Sam." Harry spoke striping his jeans off now. OMFG! What is he doing? "Harry wh-what are you do-doing?" I stuttered. "We should save water." Harry said. "Oh my." I said. "Sam? Sam?" I heard Harry said. What? "Huh?" I said not knowing whats happening. "Are you going to pick up the soap you just dropped?" Harry questioned. OMG I was day dreaming about having shower sex with Harry! I bent down to get the soap and just like my day dream the curtian decided to open. "Dat ass." I heard Harry say. "Really?" I mumbled. I poked my head out of the curtian to check if Harry was taking his shirt off. He was leaving the bathroom. Thank god, no wiat, no I want him to have shower sex. Ahhhh. Stop thinking about shower sex with Harry! I washed my body with the soap. I got out and dressed in my purple and orange bikini and put a piar of sweat shorts on and an All Time Low tank-top on. I walked into the kitchen to see Harry eating a banana, wiating for me I'm guessing. Harry swallowed the banana in like two bites. "Ready m'lady?" Harry asked. "Why yes I am kind sir." I replied walking out of the hotel, making sure to grab the card/key. Me and Harry walked down the hall to the boys' room where the rest of the crew should be. We walked in without knocking, worst mistake. Amy and Louis where on the couch eating each others' faces. Harry coughed awkwardly. They pulled apart, both blushing. They were so cute, when they weren't sticking there touges down each others throats. I laughed at my own thoughts."You guys ready to go to the beach?" Harry asked. The rest of the boys and Becca appeared out of no where. "Yes." They said in unison.

We smushed into one car. Amy was in the middle of Niall and Louis, she was leaning her head on Niall's shoulder but holding Louis's hand. How does that make sense? Niall is her best friend, yes, but why would you do that wih your boyfriend on your other side? Louis looked a bit angry but tried to keep calm, probably because he wanted to punch Niall in the face. We pulled up to the beach and Amy removed her head from Niall's shoulder and jumped over Louis to get out of the car. Excited much? I got out of the car and ran after her. She stopped but i didnt and i jumped on her back. She fell to the ground almost instantly, because of the hard impacted. We rolled on our backs erupting into a fit of giggles. The boys finally caught up giving us confused looks. We ignored them and kept laughing.

Once me and Amy finally sobered up we set up a blanket on the beach. There wasn't that many people thank god, because we would've gotten trampled by fans. I wanted to get a tan so I layed out and put my purple headphones in and listened to my pandora on shuffle. I'm guessing Amy wanted to tan too because she lay right next to me with her headphones in her ears also. I was falling asleep until I felt something really cold hit my stomach. I swear i was burning in the sun so much i heard it sizzle. I ignored it until I felt a whole bunch of water droplets going on my stomach. I opened one eye to see who was going to die in a matter of 10 seconds. Of course it was Harry. I got up and smacked him upside his head. "Hey, I only wanted to wake you up so I can talk to you." Harry said, looking nervous. "Okay." I said "Can we go in the water?" Harry said hope clear in his voice. "Yeah, come on." I said grabbing his hand and bringing him to the water. We got in the water and started swimmig out, far might i add. I was to the point where i could not reach any more. Harry was up to his neck, lucky bastard was tall. He stopped, so I stopped. I was tired from moving my arms and legs to keep above water. "Harry, did we have to go out so deep?" I asked. "Yes." Harry siad grabbing me and holding me by my waist, holding me up. "Thanks." I said barely audible. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked looking into his perfect green eyes. He didnt see anything, he just kept leaning in. "Har-" He cut me off by crashing his lips into mine. His lips molded mine prefectly, like they were meant for each other. He pulled away. "Sam, I think your the one, be mine?" Harry asked not losing eye contact with me. I nodded a yes before smashing my lips into his again. I heard clapping and cheering. I broke away and saw all the boys and Becca clapping and screaming like mad. I giggled and looked at Harry who was chuckling. "Get on my back." He said. "Alright?" I said unsure. I jumped on his back and he started swiming towards shallow water. Once we got to point where Harry couldn't swim with me on his back we ran onto shore. I ran striaght to Amy who was sqealing. She crushed me in a hug while we jumped up and down. We seperated and composed ourselfs. We walked over to the boys. "Where did Becca go?" Amy asked. "She had to go back to the hotel..." Zayn trialed off. "Why?" Me and Amy asked. "Her mom seriously flew here and has to take her back home. I cant see her for a month because her mom misses her a lot, I understand." Zayn said smiling. "Oh." I said before Harry was holding me from behind. "We should get going. We have a concert in.. 3 hours." Liam said. So the concert was at 8. "Lets get going Louis said piggy-backing Amy to the car. Harry threw me over his shoulder and walked to the car. I was laughing the whole way there.

We were at the hotel showering. Well the boys went to there room. I was out of my shower before Amy was out of hers. I was currently decided what to do while the boys were at the concert. Me and Amy dont really want to go to the concert its too wild. I got a text

From: My prince charming<3: Hey babe we're leaving for the concert, we probably wont see you tonight we'll be out late. Have a great night,love.

To: My prince charming<3: Alright. Good luck babes.

I replied. I put my phone in my back pocket. Amy came in dressed in her pajamas. She plopped down next to me on the couch. "Movies all night?" Amy asked. I got up and put in Tangled, again.

Me and Amy have watched 4 movies already. I heard Amy yawn. "You tired?" I asked. "Uh huh." Amy said getting up. "Night babes." Amy said. "Night bb." I said as we both went into our rooms. I fell asleep almostly instantly.~

Author's note

Okay so the next part is going to fast forward to when Amy and Sam are leaving. There is also going to be a new character :D.


I need more reads and vote guys. Please? Pretty please? No okay i'll keep writting for my own entertainment.

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