Chapter 12

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Amy's POV.

I woke up to the boys singing... happy birthday? Why are they singing happy birthday, its not my birthday. I opened one eye to see Liam, Zayn, and Harry standing by my bed singing. I closed my eyes and groaned into the pillow, waking Niall up completly. "What's going on?" Niall's husky morning voice rang through my ears. "It's Amy's birthday!" Liam shouted. "Vas happenin' birthday!" Zayn yelled. I laughed into the pillow and faced the boys. "It's not even my birthday." I said confused. "Well it is now. The boys know about uhm last night and we are celebrating! Plus this is like our last day without a concert, the rest of this week we have a concert." Harry said, grinning like a retard. Niall sat up on the bed faster then you can say Nandos. "Where are we going!?" He shouted. I sat up and pushed him hard enough so he fell off the bed, "DOWNtown!" I screamed. All the boys were laughing. "WHAT'S GOING ON? WHO IS DYING?" Sam screamed coming into my room with a... fork? "really what is a fork going to do?" Harry asked. "This!" Sam said stabbing Harry in his arm. "Ow." Harry said rubbing his arm. "Amy just pushed me off the bed." Niall said finally getting up. He climbed back in my bed and sat me on top of his lap, only to push me off the bed. I grabbed onto his shirt just in time to make him land with me. We both erupted into a fit of giggles. The boys and Sam were looking at me wierdly, why? Sam motioned to my wiast, I looked down. OMG I forgot I have no pants on! I got up and pulled my shirt down, blushing like mad. "So, where are we going?" Niall asked again. "Well you see it's a surprise and Louis Tomlinson free!" Harry yelled. "Get in the shower!" Zayn yelled at me. "Wear somethinng nice but casual." Liam added before every one left my room except Niall. "I'm getting in the shower." I said and walked into the bathroom and pluging my phone into the IHome dock. I put on the Pierce the Veil playlist. The first song to come on was Kings for a Day. I screamed out the lyrics, as I stepped into the warm shower. I kept singing as I washed my hair and body. As that song ended Caraphernelia came on, my favorite song by them. I song the lyrics loudly. A few songs went by until i was done with my shower. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body, drying myself off before going out to my room. Niall was sitting on my bed, he startled me I thought he would go in the living room with the rest. "Niall I have to get dressed." I said holding the towel tight to my body. "Huh? Oh, sorry." He said getting up and leaving. He seemed to be deep in thought. I walked over to my closet and looked through my cloths and shoes. I got a white shirt out that said 'BVB' in green letters, green skinnys and a green beanie, with white heels. I put the jeans and shirt on and went into the bathroom and blowdried my hair i curled it to perfection and put the beanie on. I grabbed my purse wuth my phone and money in it and walked out to the living room. "So, where are we going?" I asked. All heads snapped back to look at me. "Woah.." I heard Niall trial off. "We're going to um, it's a surprise." Liam said. "Come on guys!" Sam said linking her arm with mine as Harry linked his arm with my other arm. I laughed as we failed o fit through the door through the door. "Okay uhh sideways?" Harry questioned. We tried his idea and it worked! We walked to the elevator and all fit in perfectly, I saw Louis running to the elevator calling out my name. I quikly hit the botton to close the doors faster, thank god Louis didn't catch up. I let tear slip out of my eye, Harry wiped it away, "You'll have so much fun you'll forget all about him." Harry reassured me. I smilled slightly, "I feel like i'm splitting you guys apart." I said letting my smile fade. "He did this and we are disappointed in him, he deserves to be ignored for awhile." Niall said. The elevator stopped at the lobby. We walked out to the parking lot and got a taxi. Harry whispered something that I couldn't understand, into the drivers ear. The driver nodded and drove off...

Author's note

Hey guys! I really want to know how you think my story is going. So comment? Please? The next part i'll try to make longer. I might not update tomorrow. It depends on how many reads and votes I get. What do you think will happen? Will Amy ever talk to Louis again? Will something happen between Amy and Harry? I dont think i'm doing well on this story D: I want to show it to my ELA teacher, but he wont read it! Okay, sorry if my chapters are shorter then they were.



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