Cahpter 15

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"Why, that was such a beautiful car!" Me and Sam screamed as the guy in Fast and the Furious crashed the car and totally wrecked it. I was laying down with my head on Niall's lap and my legs spread across Liam. "The movies over, what's next?" Louis asked. I shrugged, looking at Niall, "What do you wanna do?" I asked him. "Umm we could play a drinking game, with actual beer." Niall grinned. "Okay, what game?" Sam asked. "How about, BEER PONG!?" Louis screamed. We all exchanged glances and then nodded. "I'll get the beer and a lot of plastic cups, whos coming with?" Louis said, saying as though he IS the oldest. "I'll go!" Harry said. The two boys ran out of the hotel room to go to the corner store. "Two teams, who and who?" Zayn asked. "It would have to be 4 on 3." Liam said. "Okay so me, Amy, Sam, and Harry. Then Zayn, you and Louis." Niall said to Liam. "Sounds good." Liam replied. "Now we wiat for the retards to come back." Sam said, making us go into hysterics.

****15 minutes later****

"Where are they?" Niall asked worriedly. "Let me call Harry." Sam said dialing his number on her phone. "Hello?" I heard her say. She put the phone on speaker. "Sorry babe, we get caught up by some fans, we'll be back in like 2 minutes." Harry said out of breath. "Alright, by careful, baby." Sam said. "See you in a bit, bye." Harry said. "Bye." Sam smiled before hanging up.

I heard a knock at the door. I got up from the couch and opened the door, to see Harry and Louis breathing quickly and holding their knees. I laughed, "What happened?" I asked inbetween laughs. "" Harry and Louis said. I grabbed the bag wih the plastic cups in it and set on the table, while Liam and Zayn brought in the beer. We all set up the game and told Louis and Harry what the teams were.

"Ready?" Louis asked. We all nodded a yes in response. "Okay then, Harry go first and you are facing Amy!" Louis shouted. Harry grabbed the little ping pong ball and aimed for the cup, and he made it. I groaned picking up the cup and chugging the alcohol. I put the cup on the table and Niall nodded, signaling I drank it all. I tossed the cup in the trash and grabbed the plastic ball throwing it at a cup, it landed in one, so Harry chugged that down. This is going to be a good game.

So it's been an hour and we finally finished beer pong, but now we are playing truth or dare and we are drunk as hell. "Harr-y I dar-e you to go outs-ide nak-ed." Zayn hicupped. "OKAY!" Harry shouted, and stripped. He was fully naked and I couldn't help but stare, DAMN! I said to myself. I looked away as Harry went outside and ran around the front yard of the hotel nude. A man with a broom started hitting Harry and I couldn't control my laughter, I was dying on the floor, as well as every one else. Harry came back up laughing as he put his boxers on, and only his boxers. We got back in a circle and continued to play. "Niall truth or dare?" Harry asked. "DARE!" Niall screetched. "I dare you to make-out with Amy." When Harry said those words I sobbered up a bit, I love Niall, as a best friend and more than that. But this could ruin out friendship. Niall scooted closer, as did I. He looked into my eyes and leaned in. I leaned in and soon enough his lips were on mine. I felt sparks. He cupped my cheek with one hand as the other was on the floor holding him up. He slid his tongue in my mouth as we explored every inch of each others mouth's.

I have no clue how long we were making out but when we seperated every one was passed out on the floor. Me and Niall looked at each other. "Wanna cuddle and go to sleep?" Niall asked. I nodded and took my pants off and shirt, leaving me in a tank-top and underwear. Niall took his shirt off and pants leaving him in his boxers. He got a pillow and blanket and we layed on the floor covering ourselfs in the blanket and spooned with each other.His arm wrapped around my waist as I intertwined our fingers together.

I wish i could stay in this position for the rest of my life.~

Author's Note,

Is this good? Tell me please! I deleted 'No One Knows' because I was really mad chapter 2 got deleted and I could never re-write it, soo..


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