Chapter 10: Finally Captured

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Neo is packing up her things into a bag whilst in Kate's room. The other girl is sat on her bed, a saddened expression on her face, not wanting to say goodbye to her recent friend. "Are you sure you don't want to stay longer?" Kate asks.

"I'm pretty sure your mum hates me and plus I've got places to stay in other countries. Like I said, I won't be in New York by the end of the week". Neo zips up her bag. Inside, she has a few hidden weapons like her trusty knives and guns.

"My mum hates most people. I don't mind you staying". Kate says sincerely.

"Kate, I can't stay. I'm sorry". Neo apologises.

"Is there anything I can do to convince you?" Kate pleads.

"I'm sorry". Neo replies. Kate looks down at the floor miserably. "Hey, you know, when I was talking to your mum she did mention that you always wanted to be an Avenger". Neo tries to lighten the mood. "It must be pretty cool living across from the tower".

"It is". Kate still seems rather upset.

"Which one is your favourite?" Neo already knows it's Hawkeye but she'd rather try to cheer Kate up with the topic than to state the obvious.

"Hawkeye". She answers. "He saved me in 2012".

"That's pretty cool". Neo gives her a smile.

"What about you? Who's your favourite?" She asks.

"Uhh...Thor is pretty badass. I mean, he's a literal God with a hammer as a weapon". Neo laughs.

"Hasn't he been off world since last year?" Kate queries.

"I dunno. I don't really keep up with the Avengers too much. You seem to be quite the mega fan". Neo says.

"I've always wanted to help people like they do". Kate explains. "It's why I did martial arts and archery".

"You didn't do it for yourself?" Neo tilts her head.

"I did it to help others. I mean, I did accidentally knock down a bell tower a few months back but aside from that, I want to do good".

Neo smiles warmly at her. It's very rare to find someone who's genuinely a good person. "You knocked down a bell tower?" She laughs slightly.

"It wasn't my fault, entirely. I made a bet with my friends that it's the dangly thing inside the bell that rings, not the bell itself, so I went up to the roof of a building nearby to shoot at the dangly thingy and I managed to shoot it but the whole tower came down as a result". Kate awkwardly looks down.

"That's actually pretty impressive". Neo shrugs.

"My mum didn't think so. She froze my credit cards". Kate admits.

"Still, it makes for a good story at parties". Neo smiles.

The two of them laugh when Neo feels something. Due to having telekinesis, she feels almost everything she's near. It's difficult to describe but the closest example would be how people feel the ground when they are stood upon it. They don't tend to acknowledge the feeling but they know it's there; this is the same for Neo's abilities.

She can sense around 100 people storming up the stairs of the building. Their feet are slamming against the steps and it feels as if they're carrying weaponry. Neo shoots up off the bed. "I need to go". She grabs her bag.

Kate tilts her head. "Wait, what? What's going on?" She asks. "And don't tell me that you can't say".

Neo understands that Kate is bound to notice around 100 people charging into the building. "I did some bad shit and people are after me. Those people are here now. I need to get out".

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