Chapter 19: Matt Murdock

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"That's quite the life you've lived". Matt says as he sits opposite Neo in his apartment. For the past 10 or so minutes, he had made Neo give him the entire run down on the events that had happened since she 'died' and in response he had sat and quietly listened.

"I guess. But enough about me, I want to know why a blind lawyer became a crime fighting vigilante wearing a red suit". Neo takes a sip of the whiskey Matt had poured for them both.

Matt lets out a short laugh. "You clearly don't come to Hells Kitchen too often do you?"

"It's that bad here?" Neo tilts her head.

"Let's just say, it's hard to find someone good around here". He too takes a sip of his drink.

"Who's Wilson Fisk? You mentioned his name earlier when you went all Jackie Chan on me outside the diner. I've not heard of him". Neo questions.

"I'm sure you've heard of his alias, Kingpin?" Matt places his glass on the coffee table between them.

Neo squints her eyes. "Of course I have. I haven't been living under a rock. Why did you think I knew stuff about him though?"

"That man you shot inside the diner. He's one of Fisk's men. He's probably one of the very few people who even knows Fisk's name". He informs.

"And I shot him". Neo tries to stop her eyes from widening.

Matt sighs. "So it seems".

"Oh, fucking hell". Neo groans as she slumps back on the sofa. "I mean, being killed by Kingpin still sounds better than the Raft but still...there are cooler ways to go".

"I doubt you'll get killed by Kingpin". Matt says. "It'll probably be one of his men". He adds on the end.

Neo can't help but laugh. "Matt, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure". He nods.

"Why are you acting like all of this is normal? Me being alive, me being a killer, me shooting that guy in a diner". Neo asks out of curiosity.

Matt thinks for a moment. "People change. I know that better than most people. I'm not a saviour either. I've hurt people. I've been good and I've been bad. I don't think our actions always define us as people; actions are just a fraction of who we are".

"I think that can be said for something like shoplifting a candy bar or a magazine but we're talking about cold blooded murder". Neo says.

"Neo, I think you are at war with yourself". Matt states.

Neo cocks her head. "I don't get what you mean?"

"You seem to argue with yourself about your actions. You attempt to excuse the things you've done whilst simultaneously understanding that they were wrong. I'm a lawyer, Neo, I've met hundreds of good and bad people before and the bad people don't often understand that they've done bad things. And they especially don't debate that they did something bad". He says. "I think your excuses for killing are just a way to defend yourself. It's your brains automatic response to admitting what you've done".

"You've figured all of that based on 10 minutes of talking to me?" Neo jokes.

"I'm a good judge of character. I don't think you're inherently bad, I just think you've just made bad decisions". He explains.

"Natasha said something similar". Neo looks down.

"How is your mum?" Matt asks.

Neo shrugs. "Overbearing as ever. She cares too much".

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