Chapter 32: Fugitive

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"It's the only option, Agent Romanoff". Fury states.

Natasha, Neo and Maria are all sat around a small coffee table in the waiting area of the hospital. Both Maria and Natasha keep Neo cuddled between them protectively, wrapping their arms over the teenager's shoulders. "There must be another way". Maria replies.

"Neo joined a group of wanted felons and attacked Vision to the point of near death. The UN wants her on the Raft". Fury establishes.

"I'm not letting them take her". Natasha argues. Neo just sits and listens in silence, her mind too full of thoughts to express them into any words.

"I don't want them to either, Natasha. I'm on your side here". Fury says. "You know Neo's not a bad kid, Maria knows she's not a bad kid, and I do too but convincing the UN of that is a whole different job entirely".

"Have you talked to them yet?" Maria asks.

"For 3 and a half hours. I've been working my ass off to try and keep Neo in the clear but it's really not looking good". Fury says.

"When will they try and take her?" Natasha asks. "Is she even wanted yet?"

"Neo's been seen on every news channel over the world that's covering the whole airport fight. People still don't know her exact identity but they know she worked against the UN. When Neo's background comes to light, which is likely will eventually, there's undoubtedly going to be outcry". Fury explains. "The UN have made a unanimous vote to take Neo to the Raft so I would recommend that you go into hiding very soon".

"They're after her now?" Natasha almost whispers.

"Yes". Fury nods grimly. "I came here to tell you in person to warn you. You need to go".

"You'll both go down for harbouring a fugitive". Neo speaks for the first time. Natasha and Maria both look down to the teenager. "If I'm going to go into hiding then I need to do it alone".

"No happening". Maria states.

"We're not letting you run off by yourself". Natasha adds. "And I'm not going to just leave you".

"I've been on the run before. I know the whole deal. If the only people who were ever able to catch me are you guys then I'm pretty sure I can avoid the feds". Neo says.

"No". Natasha leaves no room for argument.


"I said no. This isn't a debate, Neo, and even if it was, you would never win. I'm not arguing with you on this, it's not happening. You're staying with us, end of story". Natasha says

"I'm capable of looking after myself, mama". Neo raises her voice. "I'm not an imbecilic child".

"I never said you were, I said that you're not going off by yourself". Natasha replies.

Maria looks as if in thought for a few seconds before she looks up at Natasha. "Nat, what about Russia?"

"What about Russia?" Natasha raises an eyebrow.

"Családi küldetés Ohióban". (Family mission in Ohio) Maria speaks in Hungarian, knowing that Neo wouldn't understand the language. Neo furrows her brow, wanting to know what the couple are talking about.

"A múltamban volt" (It was in my past).

"Tudom, hol lakik Melina és Alexi". (I know where Melina and Alexi live). Maria replies. "We've always kept a track of them".

"Of who?" Neo asks.

"Nobody". Natasha shoots back to the teenager. She returns her focus to Maria. "Mit javasolsz?" (What do you suggest?)

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