Chapter 14: Discussions With Importance

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"If I have to say you have anything, Agent Romanoff, it would have to be bad timing". Fury states from across the table. "Ross wants you back at the compound as we speak and so does the rest of your teammates. These Sokovia Accords aren't going to fix themselves".

"Fury, I didn't exactly plan on finding Neo". Natasha responds. "She's more important than some documents".

"Those documents dictate whether or not you'll be on the Raft or working under the UN". He firmly shoots back.

"What do you expect me to do?" Natasha questions.

"Either you go to the compound now and leave Neo here or you take her with you". He states.

Natasha tilts her head. "You said before that you wanted her here for another 3 days, for supervision?"

"I did. But right now Ross is up my ass about these damn Accords and I don't want to have to add that to my list of already existing problems". He drags his hand along the back of his head.

"So I need to transfer Neo today?" Natasha's eyes widen in confusion.

"Do I really need to repeat myself? I know you don't want to leave her here whilst you're upstate so take her with you". He says.

Natasha exhales. "Fury, most the team didn't even know that I had a kid in the first place, let alone that she died in the Battle of New York. How am I supposed to explain any of this to them?" She sighs. The only people who truly knew about Neo were Clint and Laura Barton, Maria, Fury, Agent Melinda May, Coulson and Yelena. Natasha hasn't seen Yelena since the Red Room and her younger sister likely wasn't aware of Neo's assumed demise in 2012. When Natasha and Neo left the Red Room, Yelena was in another base so they couldn't exactly bring her with them. Natasha hadn't seen the blonde ever since.

"Natasha, it's up to you to tell them". He says. "And if you don't want them to know then just tell them she's a prisoner you have to supervise".

"Why do you think I wouldn't want them to know?" Natasha folds her arms.

"Because I know you, Natasha". He leans against the side of his chair. "You were the same in 2012. You wanted her away from the Avengers. You didn't want her to have any involvement with them..."

"Clint knew..." Natasha interrupts.

"Clint is her godfather". He interjects. "You've known Barton since you escaped the Red Room. In 2012, you hadn't built full trust in your teammates; it's understandable why you didn't tell them about her. I know things have changed quite a bit since then so it's up to you now".

Natasha thinks it through. "It might overcomplicate things with the Sokovia Accords going on".

"Possibly. But it's your choice, Agent Romanoff".

"I think I can trust them. As long as they keep her away from the Accords". Natasha states.

"Fine with me. Just try and keep everything as smooth sailing as possible". He says. "And I don't want to see any trouble from that kid either. Any issues and she's straight to an high-security S.H.I.E.L.D cell".


"That part wasn't up to me". The man admits.

"What do you mean? Everything's up to you. You're literally in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D". Natasha tilts her head.

"I'm in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D, not the entire government. I've had multiple meetings with members of the UN who want Neo to be held accountable for her crimes, especially considering she's murdered many of their own people, and it was up to me to reason with them. I told them that she'll be secure under your jurisdiction and supervision and I hope that she will be. Make sure there's no fuck ups here, Natasha".

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