Part 15

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I woke up with Ash's arm around my waist. The small room was hot, and I gently pushed my friend's arm away and sat up in the dark. An alarm clock showed the time, and I realized this was the first time I'd slept in days. No wonder I woke up so late.

"Ash, time to get up," I told him, slapping his shirt-covered chest. He grunted something and cracked an eye open, glancing at the clock.

"It's not even noon," he complained and closed his eyes again. "Unless you actually wanna have some hot, naked fun, I'm gonna sleep."

I snorted out a laugh and got out of bed. I pulled on my pants and tied the oversized t-shirt I had slept in into a knot around my stomach.

"See you 'round," I told him, only receiving a grunt as an answer, and stepped out of his room. I was about to go out and wait in the bar when I heard Ellen and Jo arguing over something and decided it was best to leave them alone.

Instead, I walked out back, rounded the hose, and knocked on the Impala where Sam and Dean occupied a seat each. They both startled awake, and I gave them a few minutes to get ready, closing my eyes and laying down with my back on the hood and feeling the sun bask on my skin.

"Ready to go?" Dean asked once he was out, and I slowly opened my eyes, looked up at him, and nodded.

"Yeah." My skin prickled from a cold wind blowing in, reminding me autumn was coming. "Where are we going?"

I followed him and Sam around the car as they dumped their bags in the trunk.

"Los Angeles, California."

"What's in L.A.?" Sam asked, furrowing his brows.

"Young girl's been kidnapped by an evil cult." Dean hummed and pulled out his car keys as we all got ready to get into the car. I straightened my back in interest.

"Yeah? Girl got a name?" Sam continued, and Dean looked up at him over the hood.

"Katie Holmes."

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply. Sam laughed, showing off his smile.

"That's funny. And for you, so bitchy," he told his older brother.

The voices from inside picked up to yelling, and there was a sound of glass shattering.

"Of course, on the other hand — catfight."

"Let's just leave them alone. They argued when I got up, too," I tried, but Dean and Sam were already walking over to the door. I was right behind them, and once I stepped through the door, I noticed Jo and Ellen screaming at each other over a table, Ellen clearly trying to get things in order before they opened.

"What are you going to do, are you going to chain me up in the basement?" Jo screamed, furious.

"You know what, you've had worse ideas than that recently. Hey, you don't wanna stay, don't stay. Go back to school," Ellen answered, just as angry.

"I didn't belong there! I was a freak with a knife collection!"

"Yeah, and getting yourself killed on some dusty back road, that's where you belong?!" Jo's eyes snapped to us, and she held back her reply. When Ellen turned around, I noticed Dean shift, probably regretting wanting anything to do with the 'catfight.'"Guys, bad time." Ellen snarled, looking us over.

"Yes, ma'am," Sam nodded.

"Yeah, we rarely drink before ten anyway," Dean hummed, and when we all turned around, Jo stopped us.

"Wait." She stomped over our way. "I wanna know what they think about this."

"I don't care what they think!" Ellen called back, and just as she finished her sentence, a small family walked inside. A mother and father, with a kid each in their arms. Tourists by the look of their matching yellow shirts that read "Nebraska is for Lovers"

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