Part 31

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Beep.      Beep.      Beep.

The sound of a monitor's steady rhythm woke me up. Groaning at the pain in my arm and abdomen and kept my eyes closed, trying to go back to the sweet, painless sleep. 

Beep.     Beep.     Beep.

The sound continued, and when realization set in, I jolted up from the bed, ignoring the blinding pain that shot up through me when I tensed my muscles. My eyes darted across the room, adjusting to the blinding light. 

The white room laughed at me when I ripped out the tubes from my arm, making the monitor flatline. I heard footsteps outside the door and hurried to get to my feet, cursing the brother's names as I searched the room for my exit. 

The white walls were dirty, and a door to a small bathroom stood open, revealing an even dirtier toilet. I felt a cramp in my stomach as nausea hit me like a truck. I B-lined for the door out, but it burst open with a squeaking sound before I reached it.

The man hurrying inside was short. Greasy streaks of his hair were combed over the bald top of his head, and underneath the white robe, he wore a dirty t-shirt. 

"Oh," the man said, with a look of surprise on his face. "You're awake."

More footsteps came behind him, and Dean slammed the door open, almost crashing into the doctor. 

"Will," he breathed out in relief as Sam's distressed face appeared in the doorway. The short man looked pleased and stepped aside, allowing Dean to walk over to me. I took a step back, holding out a hand to stop him, and drilled my eyes into his with a frown. 

"Dean," I began. "I said no fucking hospital." My skin was crawling, and I could hear my pulse in my ears. "I wanna leave." It felt hard to breathe; the panic that had swept over me began to drown me. 

"You're okay," was all that came out of his mouth. He scanned over my body, and he radiated relief. I didn't have time for that, though. I couldn't stay there. The fear made my feet move; I needed to get out of there. I needed air. 

"We're not," Dean informed me, grabbing hold of my good arm to stop me from leaving. He smiled a little as if proud of himself, which only pissed me off even further. "We're not in a hospital, Will." 

Just by hearing the words, my heartbeat began to slow, but I wasn't convinced. I glanced over at Sam, who looked at me disapprovingly. 

"You should lie down, Willow," he scolded me with a sigh. 

"I need to..."

"No!" Sam exclaimed, interrupting me. "You need to lie down and get some rest. You almost died!" 

I gave Sam my worst stare, not enjoying being reprimanded but understanding his worry. I opened my mouth to speak, but the short man said before I could.

"Miss Price, I advise you to be in bed for at least two more weeks. Your wounds haven't healed yet, and even though I gave you blood, you..."

"Who are you?" I interrupted him. 

"I'm Jamal Herron." He reached a greasy-looking hand out for me to shake, but I eyed it wearily and made no attempt to take it. I noted he didn't introduce himself as a doctor. 

"Jamal stitches up hunters from time to time," Dean explained, noting my silent question. "You said no hospital." He smiled at me as if he was the most clever man on earth. 

I scanned over the room one more time, and now that I wasn't so riled up in panic, I noticed that there was no way in hell this was a hospital. The dirty walls and bathroom weren't the only clue; the bed was made of wood, and the lamp screen had collected so many dead insects that the small lump cast its own shadow. Mold stained the corner beside the bathroom, and besides the monitor and oxygen tank, there was nothing that resembled a hospital room. 

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