Part 66

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Dean's POV

"I mean, this Jeremy guy's not a friggin' ghost. Where the hell could he be?" I growled to no one in particular.

Two days. Two days and still nothing. Not even Will could find a single trace of him.

"Dean, you sure you don't want me to drive? You seem a little..."

I shot Sam a warning look.

"... caffeinated," he finished.

"Well, thanks for the news flash, Edison!" I snapped. I glanced in the rearview mirror at Will in the backseat. She was even worse than me. Her mood soured more and more with each hour. She stared at her laptop, hair let down and all over the place. Beautiful but deadly. I knew she'd chew my head off if I interrupted her research.

She let out an irritated breath, and I looked back at the road.

My phone began to ring, and I fumbled to get it out of my pocket to wired up to function.

"Answer it," Will snapped.

Finally getting a hold of the phone, I pressed it to my ear. "Tell me you got something!"

"Strip club was a bust, huh?" Bobby questioned on the other end.


"That was our last lead,"  he pointed out.

"What the hell, Bobby!" I snapped.

"Don't yell at me, boy," Bobby corrected me sternly. "I'm working my ass off here."

I sighed, knowing it was uncalled for. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just.. I'm-I'm-I'm tired."

"Well, who ain't?"

I shook my head, glancing at Sam, who had taken a nap a short moment earlier. "What's Bela got?"

There was some rustling on the other end. "What do you got, Bela?"

I could hear her answer in the background and understood she was doing her Ouija board spirit thing again. "Sorry. Sometimes the spirit world is in a chatty mood, and sometimes it isn't."

Bobby turned back to the phone, but I already knew what he was going to say. "She's got nothing."

"Great!" I barked. "Well, I'm just gonna go blow my brains out now!" I flipped the phone shut and punched the steering wheel to get rid of some pent-up anger.

"Calm down," Will commented with a bite in her voice.

I glared at her in the rearview again but decided to stay silent.

I drove for another mile before I decided that I'd had enough. I drove off the main road, taking a    path through the woods until I came to an end. I parked the car and killed the engine.

"All right, that's it. I'm done," I declared, leaning back in my seat and trying to get comfortable.

"What are you doing?" Sam questioned, and I could hear Will slam her computer shut, but I had already closed my eyes.

"Taking myself a long-overdue nap."

"What?! Dean, Jeremy can come after you," Sam said as if I needed a reminder.

"That's the idea," I bit back.

"Excuse me?"

"Come on man, we can't find him, so let him come to me," I decided.

"On his own turf?" Sam asked incredulously. " Where he's basically a god?"

"I can handle it." It was frankly insulting that he seemed to think I couldn't, but I was too tired to care.

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