Part 24

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I was shaking my leg up and down, unable to stay still, wracking my brain and trying to figure out what the fuck was happening. I'd never even heard of anything like this before. I glanced at Sam, who had taken a seat on a stool by the door. He watched me as I mumbled to myself, looking a bit worried as I sealed myself off from the things that were happening in the room. Spacing out.

Why would Beverly Tanner try to go after Sam when I had been the bigger threat at that specific moment? Why did Sam have visions about this place, and what was it about him that made demons take an interest? It all seemed connected, and I felt like the solution was so close but just out of reach.

I studied his face, dark brows and long hair, amber-colored eyes, and the wrinkles in his forehead caused by worry. Why did I have the feeling that this twenty-three-year-old college drop-out was at the center of this? It felt like some kind of test, but why?

"Maybe..." I mumbled to myself and then looked back to the door that kept Beverly Tanner locked away. I stopped bouncing my leg and stood up, walked over to the utility room, and looked inside through the small glass window, tilting my head to the side.

I should ask her, but I suspected she would pretend like she didn't know anything. I reached for the handle but stopped myself when the blonde with the pink hairband spoke, snapping me back to reality.

"What if we all have it? What if we all go crazy?" I looked over at her. She was hugging herself, looking at Dr. Lee for answers.

"You've got to stay calm. All we can do is wait. The Marshal's bringing help." My mind flashed back to Dean for the millionth time, and a worry settled like a brick in my stomach. He should be back by now.

"I can't, I... I've got to go." She rushed towards the door, and Sam straightened up, ready to follow.

"Pam!" Dr. Lee called, and the young woman turned back.

"No, you don't understand. My boyfriend's out there, I gotta make sure he's okay." She left the lab. I quickly followed when Sam got out of his chair, unwilling to leave him alone with anyone.

"All right, wait, wait," he called after her. She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him. "Please. Look, I know you're upset, all right? But it's safer if you stay here for now. Help is coming."

She didn't answer but kept staring at him until she noticed me behind him, then her eyes snapped to me.

A low sound of an engine sounded through the waiting room, and I sighed in relief when I recognized it as coming from the Impala.

"There they are," Sam assured her and brushed past her.

"Will? Sammy? Open up!"

I hurried to the door and unlocked it, letting Dean in, followed by the man we had met earlier by the fishing store, the master sergeant. They were both armed, looking serious.

"Did you guys, uh, get to a phone?" Sam wondered.

"Roadblock," Dean told us, then turned to the man he came with. "I'm gonna have a word. Doc's inside." Dean followed him with his eyes as the man hurried inside, leaving us alone.

"What's going on out there, Dean?" Sam wondered, and Dean threw his arms out in an exhausted gesture.

"Man, I don't know, I feel like Chuck Heston in the Omega Man, I mean, Sarge is the only sane person I could find," he seemed stressed, paced back and forth.

"It's a fucking supernatural lockdown," I commented, running a hand over my hair for the millionth time.

"What are we dealing with, do you know?"

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