Part 74

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I crossed my arms and raised a brow as Dean tried to start up the Impala, only for the car to die a third time. Sam had taken up the front seat, and I had spread out in the back, using both mine and Sammy's computer to see if I could find anything that might help us once we arrived at the address where Lily was at. I had street cam surveillance on Sam's computer and was currently checking the city maps and water supply on mine.

Still, I was not surprised to see Bobby pop up next to the Impala, giving the car window a tap that made the brother jump in surprise. Bobby gave the Winchesters a disapproving look, holding up the distributor cap in his hand. "Where do you think you're going?"

Dean looked at the distributor's cap, then made a face and moved to get out; Sammy followed his lead. For a moment, I was distracted by the camera feed on one of the screens, but when Dean tapped the roof of the car to indicate I should get my ass moving, I stepped outside.

Bobby didn't say anything, only stared at Dean, who had begun to sport a bruise on the side of his face. I didn't want to imagine what my face looked like. Ruby could swing. I'd give her that. Still, it could be worse.

"We got the knife," Dean finally said, breaking under Bobby's relentless glare.

"And you intend to use it without me," he scowled. "Do I look like a ditchable prom date to you?"

Sam walked around the car, looking a bit guilty. "No, Bobby. Of course not."

"This is about me... and Will and Sam. Ok? This isn't your fight," Dean told him, shaking his head.

Bobby's eyes hardened, and he took a step closer to Dean, taking the hunter by surprise. "The hell it isn't!" he growled. "Family don't end with blood, boy." He glanced at me as if making his point even further. His face softened after that, and he stepped back with a shrug. "Besides, you need me."


"You're playing wounded. Tell me, how many hallucinations have you had so far?" Bobby insisted.

I tensed, knowing all too well that his nightmares were worse than usual. There were moments when I had spotted him staring at Sam, sometimes me too, and I had wondered what he might be seeing each time he did a double take. Sam looked confused by Bobby's words though, because Dean had refused to talk about it even when I had asked him out loud.

"How'd you know?" the older Winchester now admitted.

"Because that's what happens when you've got hellhounds on your butt. And because I'm smart," Bobby answered.

"You've barely been sleeping," I gently reminded him.

His eyes snapped up to mine. "You told him."

"It was a guess, and I was worried. I think Bobby already knew, though," I explained.

Sam sighed, obviously annoyed that he hadn't been told. Dean opted to look at the ground instead of having to meet anyone's eyes, only looking up as Bobby handed him the distributor cap.

"I'll follow," the older hunter told him, then he turned his eyes to me. "Will, mind joining me?"

It wasn't as much a request as a demand, and I gave Dean a kiss on the cheek before grabbing my things and switching to Bobby's car.

Bobby walked ahead of me as Dean went around to put the distributor cap back in, and I just passed him as Bobby turned to call over his shoulder, "Don't be stopping to pee every ten minutes either."

I glanced back at the boys with a hint of humor in my eyes, and couldn't help but chuckle at their incredulous expressions.

"Is that a combination we should be more worried about?" Sam asked as I set up my stuff in Bobby's car. The older man pulled out a thermos of coffee, and I grabbed it with wide eyes, sending him an appreciative smile.

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