Part 37

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"Aliens?" Bobby asked with skepticism in his voice. Unsurprisingly. I think that was the reaction we all had the first time we heard it. 

"Yeah," Dean confirmed.

"Aliens?" Bobby turned to me as if I was the voice of reason. I nodded but then shrugged with a flinch, not wanting to finalize the statement. 

"Yeah," Dean repeated.

"Look, even if they are real, they're sure as hell not coming to earth and swiping people," Bobby argued.

"Hey, believe me. We know."

"We're still trying to make sense of it all," I told Bobby, running a hand down my face.

"My whole life I've never found evidence of an honest-to-God abduction. It's all just cranks and pranks."

"Yeah, that's what we thought. But...we figured we'd at least talk to the guy," Dean explained. He nodded for me to talk.

 I sighed again, running a hand over my hair, and began to tell the story. "We met up with Curtis at the bar; he was lining up shots, kicking them back with a pained expression;

"Hey, you ought to give those purple nurples a shot,"  Dean commented, which earned him nothing but rolling eyes and foul looks from around the table.

"So, what happened, Curtis?" Sam asked, changing the subject to what we were there for.

"You won't believe me. Nobody does," he told us.

"Give us a chance."

Curtis leaned in over the table to where the three of us sat. "I do not want this in the papers."

"Off the record, then," Dean offered, and Curtis nodded, putting down a shot glass he had been holding.

"I, uh... I blacked out, and...I lost time, and when I woke up, I don't know where I was," Curtis told us.

"Then what?" Sam pushed.

"They did tests on me. And, uh... " He took another one of the shots in front of him and kept his eyes down on the table as he spoke. "They, uh... They probed me."

Sam tried not to laugh like a twelve-year-old. To my surprise, Dean didn't even try to make a joke about it. 

"They probed you?" Dean asked as if to confirm that he heard the right thing.

"Yeah, they probed me. Again and a— Again and – And again," Curtis continued, only stopping for another shot. Dean and Sam exchanged looks, and not until then did Sam stop smiling. "And again and again and again... And then one more time."


"And that's not even the worst of it." 

"How could it get any worse? Some alien made you his bitch,"  Dean chuckled. Sam, who now pretended like he was above the laughter and jokes, looked at Dean disapprovingly, and Curtis glared at him as well.

"They... They made me... Slow dance!" Curtis exclaimed. There was a moment of silence, and we all tried to wrap our heads around his statement.

"Willow, you are exaggerating as well, huh?" Bobby cut in.

"No," "No," Sam and Dean defended me while I shook my head grimly, wishing I was. Sam and I had taken seats on the couch, and Dean sat on the armrest, his elbow lazily resting on his raised leg. My leg shook up and down, and I ran a hand over my braids for what felt like the millionth time. 

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