Part 41

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The light flickered on inside Kurt's apartment. Dean and I hung around outside, down on the street, making sure to keep an eye on him. Dean checked his rounds before tapping the magazine to his gun and sliding it back into place. I felt the metal of my own gun press into my back, secured in my waistline. The music from Kurt's apartment was heard all the way down to the street, and I sighed, bored.

The sound of shattering glass made me redirect my attention back to the apartment, and the light that had previously been turned on was now out. The sliding door's glass was shattered.

"What the–?" Dean mumbled, and we shared a look before taking off running. We hurried up the stairs, guns in hands. We moved through the apartment with military stealth to the kitchen, where a low growl came from.

Kurt was lying dead on the ground. His body was mauled, chest ripped open. The woman hovering over him, no doubt just finishing with his heart, turned to us the second we walked in. Madison's previously large brown doe eyes now shone with a cold, electric blue. Her features distorted into that of a rabid animal, teeth turned to fangs dripping with blood, nails to claws.

She lounged at Dean, who was walking in front of me, pushing him to the wall with superhuman strength, making his gun slide across the room. Then she turned to me. I aimed and shot, but she moved too fast, and the bullet lodged in the wall behind her. Madison picked me up like I was made of nothing and threw me down to the floor, causing my head to slam down on the hard surface. I blinked, forcing myself to hold on to my consciousness while under attack, but the room danced with dark spots. 

"Hey!" Dean called out, catching the werewolf's attention. She went for him instead, and the glittering white of a silver blade in Dean's hand moved with such a speed I almost missed it. Madison let out a deep growl and bolted the same way she'd come in.

I crawled over on all fours, not steady enough to stand up, and noticed Dean fighting to stay awake as well. I only came halfway across the room before I lost my battle and sunk down on the floor with a 'thud.'

"Will." Someone was shaking me. "Willow." I sighed, but it sounded more like a whimper. I didn't open my eyes; the pounding headache promised that I would regret it if I did. "Yeah, now that I'm conscious. The werewolf knocked me out. Sam, it's Madison." That was Dean's voice. "Yeah, awesome job of keeping an eye on her." There was a beat of silence and fingers pressing gently on my throat. Is he checking my pulse? "Well, she wasn't an hour ago. Check her right arm below her elbow. I nicked her with a silver knife." Another beat of silence. "No, Madison knocked her out too. She's still out cold. Will." More shaking. A gentle slap to my cheek.

"Uh." It took me a moment to realize the groan I heard came from me.

"Will," Dean continued to coax. "Wake up."

I forced my eyes open with every bit of willpower I could muster. I had trouble focusing on the shape above me at first, but soon Dean's features started taking shape. "We need to leave," I mumbled.

"Yeah. You good?" Dean's peered down at me.

"Mmm, I'm gonna put a bullet through that bitch's head."

"One thing at the time. Can you get up?"

I sighed deeply and slowly pushed myself up on my feet, squinting at the light from the sunrise. I reached up, feeling the lump on the back of my head, knowing my expression soured along with my mood.


I knocked on the door impatiently.

"Hey," Dean said, catching my attention. "You sure you're okay? You look pale."

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