Part 68

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The bell at the door of the coffee shop chimed as Sam and I entered, and the cashier handed Mr. Pickett his change, telling him to drive safely. 

Sam and I had learned our lesson, and as he walked past us with an off-handed "Yeah, yeah," I slipped my hand into his pocket and fished out his car keys, quickly handing them to Sammy. 

"Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules," Doris told Cal, who sat by the disk, and he passed her some change to get more coffee. 

Dean chose the booth, the same as always, and Sammy and I slumped down next to each other. My eyes scanned over the diner for what felt like the millionth time, noticing everyone and everything. The man by the disk who always ordered pancakes with maple syrup, the judge who sat a few chairs away with what looked like chocolate milk and a bowl of cereal. It was all meaningless information. 

"Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke," Dean chirped in his usual tone. 

Sam placed the keys we had pickpocketed on the table, drawing Dean's notice. "What are those?"

"Mr. Pickett..." I began but soon realized Dean didn't pay attention while they walked in. "The old man's. Trust me, this is a favor to everyone."

"You guys ready?" Doris asked as she walked over.

"Uh, yes, we are. I'll have the special side of bacon and a coffee," Dean said, for over the hundredth time. 

"Hey, Doris?" Sam said, drawing the waitress's attention. "What I'd like is for you to log in some more hours at the archery range. You're a terrible shot."

"How'd you know that?" she asked, surprised.

"Lucky guess," he grumbled. 

Dean stared at his brother, still not used to the bitter attitude. "Okay, so you think you're caught in some kind of what, again?"

"Time loop,"  I huffed out a breath of air, leaning my head against Sammy's shoulder as the conversation repeated over and over. 

"Like Groundhog Day."

"Doesn't matter," Sam said. "There's no way to stop it."

"Jeez, aren't you grumpy," Dean chuckled.

"Yeah, I am. You wanna know why? Because this is the hundredth Tuesday in a row Will and I've been through, and it never stops. Ever. So yeah, I'm a little grumpy. Hot sauce."

"What?" The confusion of the last word soon became clear as Doris came in, and the sauce fell into Sammy's waiting hand. 

"Nice reflexes," Dean commented once Doris had left. 

"I knew it was going to happen, Dean. I know everything that's gonna happen. So does Will."

"You don't know everything," Dean challenged, looking between us. I lifted my head from the younger Winchester's shoulder. 

"Yeah. We do," I sighed.

"Yeah, right," We all said in unison. "Nice guess." 

"It wasn't a guess," Sam explained, noting his words wouldn't have an impact. 

"Right, you're a mind reader," the brothers continued while I crossed my arms and sipped on Dean's coffee. "Cut it out, Sam. Sam."

Both of them leaned across the table to come face to face in their stupid challenge, continuing in unison, "You think you're being funny but you're being really really childish! Sam Winchester wears makeup. Sam Winchester cries his way through sex. Sam Winchester keeps a ruler by the bed and every morning when he wakes up he—"

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