Part 76

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"It has been months," I growled at the large man standing with an impassive face. Uriel. No. Not man, I corrected myself. Angel.

And I hated him.

Not only because of his lack of empathy but also because of his act of superiority. Castiel had introduced him to me a month earlier, expecting me to serve Uriel as I did him because they were in the same garrison. He thought it would be easier to pass down his orders since Uriel already had a human vessel— which was just a fancier word for meat suit but with questionable consent instead of an outright body hijacking.

I still had my soul, but the promise to help heaven's fight against hell in exchange for them to set Dean free always hung over my head. Castiel was quiet enough about it, seeming to view Dean's rescue as something inevitable no matter my decision. Uriel, though, threw the promise in my face as if I didn't have any other option. Not that I did.

"It's a siege," Uriel explained as if I was nothing but a child. I had heard him call me a hairless ape more than once, and that didn't help my attitude towards him. "There is nothing you can do to help them. You have other matters to attend to." He turned his back to me, and I refrained from holding up my hands to pretend to choke him.

"It would help if you told me what that is exactly." I pulled my hand over my face as if attempting to wipe away my frustration. My fingers snagged over the scar that I had refused to let Castiel heal, even though he offered. There was something about having an undefined shape of light— that might or might not melt my eyes from my skull— touch me, that set me on edge, and I refused to ask Uriel. Besides, it was a reminder of the work before me.

Uriel walked over to the window, glancing out of the run-down church we stood in, obviously disturbed by the dirt and cobwebs. "There is... information we need once we break through hell's defenses."

I rolled my eyes, "Well? What do I need to do?"

"You need to find out where in hell Dean Winchester is located."

I snapped my jaw shut. I closed my eyes and conjured a picture of his face. When I opened my eyes again, I nodded. "How?"

He glanced back at me as if surprised that I didn't argue more. He would have known better— had he known what emotions were. "There are demons coming here looking for you, freshly released from hell. Heaven prefers keeping the presence of angels on earth quiet for the time being. You need to find out this information on your own."

"So I am both the bait and the hook?"

His dark, emotionless eyes scanned over me. "Yes, maggot is the correct term for what you are."

I bared my teeth in displeasure, but when I blinked, Uriel was already gone. Fucking wings.

I bided my time, waiting for the demons Uriel spoke of to catch up with me. I checked my computer for any signs of Sam Winchester, but all I had was a dead end from two weeks prior. Whatever he was doing, I had a bad feeling about it. The place where I had hunted down my last lead had a fresh crime scene where at least two persons had died, showing obvious signs of demonic possession, and to my surprise, three survivors in the hospital. Unfortunately, none of them had any recollection of what had happened, but I knew Sam was involved. I was just wondering what the fuck he was hunting down demons for and wishing it had nothing to do with bringing Dean back by making any deals.

I sent a silent prayer his way, begging him to be safe, and then sent a quick text to Bobby. I hadn't told him about what I was doing, but I wanted him to know that I was alive.

After a few hours, I could hear footsteps on the porch outside. I silently crept over the floor to a fairly hidden spot in the old church and made myself ready. I had a flask filled with holy water, my weapons filled with rocksalt, and a few new tricks up my sleeve as I waited.

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