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Somehow, we have ended up in the ice skating rink. Nada needed to let go of some steam by shooting the puck over and over, banging on the wall and making a loud shocking noise. I didn't like the noise but I took it internally since it wasn't about me right now, I can complain later.

Me and America were observing Nada on the rink. I didn't want to go in and play with him since later I'll get sweaty and I hate it. America didn't want to go since she fears for her life a bit, scared to receive a puck in her head and start to bleed. It was understandable. Nada was concentrated on the game and watching him from afar, it was clear that he was pissed off. I guess he really loved her and probably blaming on himself. But I don't know if it's about his girlfriend or something else...

I looked down on my watch and noticed that it was already near 2:30. I needed to go soon since Finland was about to come soon and I was worried that he might've been early. I still barely know these people so better to be early than late. I said my goodbyes to America and she waved and I was about to leave before I turned to Nada.

-Nada! I called out and he shot the puck one last time. Bye!

I waved to him when he turned to me and he waved as well with a small smile. I left hoping that I at least helped him a bit.

While walking back, I noticed a man sitting down on a bench with the same package for the flower that I gave to the botanist and in his hand there was a piece of paper. I stopped on my tracks and had wide eyes. Canada wasn't the one who received the flowers... This random man did! I cheered internally but then remembered that Nada was still sad. Why was he?

I walked up to the man that had tears on his cheeks and was looking down on the card. I sat next to him and he lifted his eyes to me which were red.

-What? He asked brutally with a sore throat.

-What's wrong? Do you need anything?

-Can't you see that I'm sad? I got dumped! He exclaimed and threw the paper on the floor.

I observed it and noticed that it was my card. It's only a card to show you how to take care of the plant. I took it from the ground ad blew off the gravel that was on top. I turned it around and noticed sentences on it. I skipped it and noticed that someone signed it. Poland. POLAND?! I widened my eyes since I didn't remember her when she walked in.

-What? The man asked me again since I guess that he saw my eyes widened.

-Poland broke up with you?

-You know her?

-Since kindergarten... But we lost contact towards the end of middle school. I thought that she wanted to be a chemist, the only purpose is to poison the people she hates.

-What's your name?

-Ukraine. Yours?

-She talked about you, she vaguely remembered how you looked like. She said that your colors weren't blue and yellow but blue and red with a sign somewhere on your face.

-I did look like that! But it was when I was younger, it changed when I went to highschool. I explained and he nodded.

-Well my name's Croatia. And I don't think that we've ever met.

-Nope! It's nice meeting you, Croatia. I said and took out my hand so that he could shake it, he did. Oh, look at the time! I can't really stay much longer but if you need anything, here's my number.

I took out a card that was in my purse and handed it to him. He took it and I quickly said goodbye and left, speed walking.


Luckily, Finland wasn't here yet so I entered first. I unlocked the door and went inside. I flipped the sign and closed the door. I looked down on my watch and it was almost three so I could take a breather before starting.

I took out my apron and wore it. Hopefully it will just be work related since I've fallen into a rabbit hole full of drama. Honestly, I couldn't care less about anyone but since Nada is the closest I have to a friend, I'll stick around and be on his side. And now, I know that Poland is living here and hopefully she would be less angry and snappy when she talks to me knowing that we were childhood friends.

The door opened on the right moment since I went out from the room that I store the bouquet. I said hello to him and he gave a small smile. I handed it to him gently and he took it. He thanked me but before he left, he turned around to me.

-How's Canada doing? He asked me and I wasn't expecting it.

-You know Canada?

-Everyone knows him. He's very nice and almost everyone are friends with him.

-Oh. Were you two in the same class in highschool?

-No, but we knew each other since we were in the same friend group. He's always with his girlfriend, for prom they won "highschool sweethearts".

-Who's this mysterious girlfriend?

-I don't know if you know her but I think her name's Netherland. She's kinda secretive so when I found out that they were dating, it kinda shook me.

-How's she doing?

-Well... I would like to say that she's doing great since there is something going on between them. But I don't think that's why Canada's sad.

-What happened between them?

-I don't think that she would be happy if I told you what's happening since she doesn't know you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take care of Greenland.

-Good luck!

He waved and so did I and he left. I honestly didn't think that he would be the chatter type. But I learned new info on people everyday. I took a deep breath to clear my mind. I went back onto the big project.

I heard the door opened and I turned to it. I was on the floor wrapping another bouquet and I just lift my head. Nada leaned over the counter and gave me a smile. I looked down on my watch and noticed that it was already 4:46.

-Do you need any help? He asked me and walked towards me.

-Are you sure? I asked him as he squat down next to me.

-I've got nothing better to do. And I learned that you had this pretty big project.

-Thanks, I would really appreciate it! I exclaimed.

Hopefully nothing will happen...

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