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-What... happened? I asked him with wide eyes and he just starred at them with no emotions.

-Problems, I guess.

-From what?

-I don't know. I never went to a therapist. I was too scarred.


-People judging me, I guess. Boys don't normally need help, so I was afraid that people will talk about me.

We stayed silent. There was a waitress asking if we were ready to order but Canada just got up. He started to walk out and I wanted to stop him, but noticed that the waitress was unfazed. I looked what was on the table and noticed that he didn't order anything. I slowly got up and the waitress just left. I took that chance and got out.

When I was out of the building, I looked around and saw him walking back towards his house. I ran towards him and called him out.

-Canada! I shouted and grabbed his sleeve and pulled him. He only turned his head. 

-I don't want to talk about it.

-But you need to!

-Stop it! He raised his voice and pulled his arm away from my grasp. I tried, Ukraine, but it doesn't work!

-How long did you try it?

-One year.

I shut my mouth, not because that I lost to him, but because I didn't think that he was this stupid. I know it takes longer than one year, especially with what Canada is going through. He started to walk away but I cleared my throat and he stopped.

-Don't talk to me for 3 years. During that time, go find a therapist and heal yourself, Canada. I said firmly and he had a confused face.

I looked one last time to him and when he understood that I wasn't laughing, I walked away.


I didn't look back.


I didn't want to.


I need to do this.


But I won't forget him.


I'm entangled in his thread.


Just like Netherlands.


There's no going back now.


When I got back, I kept the closed sign like that. I lowered the blinds and stood in the dark. After a while, I remembered about my phone. I took it out and noticed that it was America. She told me to avoid it and asking if I was okay. It was too late, of course. I had to make the choice. I need a break through all of this. I wanted to call her, asking her if what I did is the right thing to do... But I just broke down. I clutched the phone tightly and sat there silently.

After a while, my phone rang. I was leaning on the door and looking straight at the flowers. The sun was setting so I could kinda see it since the rays were able to go through it. I thought that it was Canada but I looked at it either way, turns out that it was America. I answered it and placed the speaker near my ear.

-Hello? I said and couldn't hear anything.

-Are you alright? She asked me.


-Let me in, I'm outside. Your blinds are down so I didn't dare to knock...

I was shocked at what she said and got up. I spread my thumb and index finger wide in between two blinds and peaked. She really was here, waiting patiently. I was a bit blinded by the rays but either way I unlocked my door. I slowly opened it and was greeted by America. Without thinking twice, I slipped myself in her arms and hugged her. I could hear her heart beating loudly but I didn't say anything.

-Thank you, by the way. She said after a while, still hugging me.


-I've been trying to send Canada to therapy and he only lasted a year. He got out from it much more damaged than before since his mental wounds were freshly opened... He couldn't take it anymore. He got annoyed at how long it was taking him. So thank you.

-He's really gonna do it? I asked a pulled away a little bit to see her face clearer.

-That's what he told me.

-I... I told him that he couldn't speak with me for three years until he recovers...

-Yeah, he told me about it. He's hiding in his room.

-... Do you mind giving me little everyday updates on him?

-... Sure. She let go a heavy sigh and I went back in for a second hug.

I don't know if I'm regretting to do this or what not, but hopefully, it's for the best. Because I sincerely think that he will change, and I want him to change. I do care about him, he's just hurt. I want to be a good friend. I'm staying by his side. I'm basically her...

I'm basically Netherlands...

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