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Several days has gone by and in those days, not much had happened. I still couldn't talk with Poland, it was weird when Nada came by after that accident but he still came anyways and I got close with Croatia and America.

I was already at the party with my flowers and I was decorating the tables. The mother already told me where to put everything so I was going back over to do some touch ups. There was Nada and America to help me out.

-Ukraine! Someone whispered and I turned around.

I found America hiding in a spot and was signalling me to come to her. I shook my head since I didn't want to be that stupid character who dies in a horror film. I know it isn't the case here, but I still wanted to have fun with her. America rolled her eyes and I let go a small giggle. She came out and took my right arm and dragged me back to where she was hiding.

-What? I asked her still laughing a bit.

-There's a problem. And I really need to let it out of my chest.

-Huh? It's that serious?

-Yeah, it really much is! And it's about Nada, that's the worst part. That's why I didn't want to talk to you out in the open since I know he likes to listen people's conversations.

-I mean, who doesn't?

-True. But we will need to wait a bit before I can tell you. Then you can see for yourself why this is a problem.

-But I need to work on the flowers. I said and was about to leave the "hiding spot".

-No wait! Not yet, please? She grabbed my arm and wrapped her arms around it. Pretty pleeease?

-Fine. But if I find out that it's something stupid, I'm gonna be very disappointed.

-But you won't and I know it since it's about Nada... Talking about him, how's your hand?

-It's alright. It stopped bleeding so that's good. But there might be a scar in the middle of my palm. I said and showed it to her.

-I think that it looks cool, just like how you think my eyes look cool as well. She complimented and let my arm go and rest her right arm on my shoulders.

I smiled warmly to her and wrapped my hand with the band-aid. I know that I would need it since I'm working with flowers which have thorns. Majority of them being the multiple colored roses.

After a while of hiding, I heard a car parked. My eyes widened since the father and the mother were both here and I only asked Nada and America to help me. I turned to her in confusion?

-Who's here?

-You'll see. She said and was looking at Nada.

A young lady with a nice white and blue dress came up to Nada. Her hair was in a low bun but was collected beautifully. She kissed Nada on the cheek so I instantly knew it was Netherlands.

-NETHERLANDS?! I whispered shouted and slowly turned my head to America. She's HERE?! Does she even know me?

-She does, but in a creepy stalker way. America whispered back and I remembered the event.

-Did she spy on me at night one time?

-She did... How did you know?

-I felt it. I lived in a bad neighborhood so it's critical to have that sense. But I wasn't expecting it to be Netherlands, Nada's girlfriend. I accentuated the words "Netherlands" and "girlfriend".

-The first time I met her, she apparently did the same. But it was when we first met, not when they were dating. She knew I was his older sister but she still does it anyways. It's creepy and ever since, I felt weird around her, like she had planned to be Nada's girlfriend the first time she laid her eyes on him. And it's so easy to manipulate Nada especially if he cares about them.

-And now, what's the problem? Aside from her being a stalker.

-She's cheating on Nada.

-WHAT?! I raised my voice and America placed a hand on my mouth and hid me in the shadows.

Nada heard it and he looked around. Netherlands also did and was staring at us. America went deeper into the darkness to hide both of us. I closed my eyes. I'm pretty sure she didn't see us since, when I opened my eyes, she continued on like normal.

America slowly took her hand off of my face and I turned to her. She knew that she can't really get mad at me for raising my voice since I was shocked. Finland told me that they had been together since highschool, what happened? Of course, I had to go straight to the source and that was of course Netherlands. But I barely know her and if I come up to her asking what happened, she will of course say a lie to get me away from her.

I turned to America and she was looking down. My theory was that she already knew it a long time ago.

-How long? I asked her and she lifted her eyes to me.

-What do you mean?

-I meant how long have you known this information and when are you planning to tell Nada?

-To answer the second question, never.

-What? Why?

-She's planning on doing it but she wants to meet you first and use you as the reason why she doesn't like him anymore.


-By saying that "it's clear as day that you, Canada, like her". And then she will storm off all heart broken.

-When in reality she isn't... But how are you sure that she's cheating on him?

-She told me. She needed to get it off of her chest. She wanted me to do it but then remembered you exist.

-Who's the guy?

-A dude named Luxembourg.

-He lives in this neighborhood?! But he's rich as hell!

-No, he doesn't live over here, but somehow she found him and they started to hit it off well. Of course because he's french. She rolled her eyes and I had a questioned look. What? He speaks french, right?

-He does, but that isn't his main language. I think it's called Luxembourgish.

-Sound like simlish.

I leaned my head to the right and was questioning her again.

-The Sims, you've never heard it? She asked and was shocked when I shook my head. When we get back home, I'm showing it to you.

I nodded and turned my head back to Nada. They were talking happily and she was even helping out with the flowers. I wanted to get back out and say hello to her but my feet were nailed down to the ground. All I could do was watch.

They seemed so happy tho, I guess that's why America thinks that this looks bad. And it is.

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