{Chapter 3}

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         {Chapter 3}
         It's you?!

The hero group stood right outside of Arm's Base while hiding.

"Alright Rosalyn it's your turn" Choi Han whispered.

Right after that red mana started to surround Choi Han, Lock, Rosalyn, Ron and Beacrox.

They all turned invisible at that moment.

"This should be good enough. Come on" Lock whispered as he and the group began to sneak inside the base.

When they got closer to the door they overheard the conversation two of arms members were having while standing outside the door.

"You think someone will come?" Asked Arm person A
"Yeah seeing as our liege is scared of him and even went as far as to kidnap him, put him to sleep and chain him down, I would say he is important" Arm person B said. 'Chain him down? Put him to sleep? Is he really powerful enough to make Arm scared of him that much?' Choi Han thought while he and the Group quickly sneaked into the base.


"They're going in...prepare for when they leave with him so we can take him back with us as fast as possible" Said a female with a robe on. Three individuals with robes nodded their heads and gold, grey and pink-ish mana started to surround them. Then the female looked toward a bigger group of people. They looked less important then the 4. The group all nodded their heads and disappeared into darkness.
"Meeoow.." a silver kitten meowed. It was a signal to stay quiet and start moving.


When inside the base Choi Han and his group could see a big iron door that was surrounded by 5 bear Tribe men and 3 lion Tribe men. There were also at least 20 Arm people. They all looked as if they were protecting the iron door and whatever was on the inside.

"From the conversation outside it seems as the important thing is a person who is extremely dangerous to Arm that even their 'liege' is scared of him" Rosalyn whispered. "We can do this quietly however it will take some time and we don't have that much" Beacrox said while eyeing the enemy and the iron door.

"Let's just attack them now and make sure the alarm doesn't go off or else we are in trouble." Ron said while grabbing his two daggers."Yes let us do so" Choi Han said as he grabbed his sword.

The whole group began taking the enemy out while they were still invisible. Rosalyn couldn't do anything to the enemy as she was focusing on keeping all of them invisible so she was also responsible for making sure no one touched the alarm button. While Rosalyn was doing that the rest of the group was taking out the enemy.

When they got rid of everyone Rosalyn let go of the invisibility and went up to the iron door.

"How do we open this?" Lock asked. "I don't think hitting it would work" he added. "Maybe mana?" Beacrox asked. "No look over here. It needs a key." Choi Han said while pointing to the far right of the iron door. "I am pretty sure that one of the bears had a key" Ron said.

After they got the key from one of the bears they opend the iron door.

"Wha...what..?" Ron muttered.

They all were quite surprised.

What they saw was unbeliveble.

In the middle of the room blood-red chains that were surrounded by a red mana whirlwind. And in the middle of them a person with red hair. He was sleeping.

The henituse trash.

Cale henituse was in the middle of the mana whirlwind and the blood-red like chains.

"He is the Important person..?" Choi Han muttered.

"HEY INTRUDERA! ALARM THE OTHERS!" Someone yelled and the Group snapped out of their thoughts. They needed to get out as fast as possible.

AND they need to take him with them.

Rosalyn started to chant her mana and Lock turned into his berserk form. Choi Han let his black aura onto his sword. The three of them were going to try and break Cale out of the whirlwind and chains while Ron and Beacrox were making sure that no one got close to them.

Rosalyn, Choi Han and Lock all hit the whirlwind and the chains at the same time.

A big explosion happened and when all the smoke was gone they could see the red head laying there in the middle of the room without even a single scratch.

"No! Stop them! We need to keep him here! Fast capture them!" An Arm member yelled.

Choi Han quickly put Cale on his back and Rosalyn teleported them outside of the base.

The group began running away as fast as possible.
The reason Rosalyn didn't teleport the group somewhere safe but outside of the base was because she already overused her mana when helping get rid of the whirlwind and the chains.


"They're out. Quick run after them. Make them invisible without them knowing." One individual in the robe said as he quickly started to move. The silver kitten followed him while fog started to surround her and the rest of the robed individuals group.


"Are we far enough?" Lock asked. The group had stopped running now and were looking back to see if they were still being chased. "I belive we are.." Ron said. When they were sure the whole group looked at the red-haired man that was now laying on the ground as Choi Han was making sure they weren't followed with his sword in his hands. "Are we sure he is the Important individual?" Choi Han asked. Clearly annoyed at the situation. At that moment they heard a groan. "Mnhg...ugh..." Cale's eyes slowly opend and the first thing he saw was his old butler, the butlers son, the former princess of the breck kingdom, a wolf Tribe member and the guy who beat him half to death. "H-huh..?..." The group looked at cale's confused face. They immediately knew he had no idea what has happened or what he was doing on the ground with them surrounding him. At that moment they all heard a voice of a man. A deep voice.

"Ah! There you are!" A group of robed individuals showed up with a fog. The group surrounding Cale tensed up and got ready to fight however a second later they only let out confused sounds. "Huh?" They saw Cage when one of the people put their robe down. "Cage what are you doing here?!" Rosalyn asked.

Cale was most confused about what was happening. 'Is this a dream..?'He thought to himself. He remembers falling asleep in his room and then all of a sudden he woke up on the ground surrounded by Choi Han and his group and then even more surprising Cage showed up with a group of different people.

Before Cale could ask what was happening two individuals appeared behind him. The two of them let him see who they were under the robe without taking it off. Now Cale had an idea what was happening. Cage and the others are creating a distraction to get him out of here. That's for certain.

The two behind Cale helped him get up. He didn't oppose as he knew them and had no need to be scared pr wary of them.

Cale then flinched and looked toward Rosalyn. What she yelled at Cage was weird.

"Are you betraying us?! What is this supposed to mean?" Rosalyn yelled.

'Betraying..? What..?" Cale looked at the person to his right that was still holding him and helping him stand. The person shook his head. It was as if to tell Cale that they will explain later.

"Cale! I missed you!" The silver kitten whispered. It had jumped on one of the two that were helping Cale and approached him. "Ah..?" Cale only let out a confused sound however he let the kitten rub against his cheek.

A/N: how are you guys liking the story so far? I hope your enjoying it! ^^

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