{Chapter 4}

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        {Chapter 4}
       What happened?

"Haaaa...well I don't remember anything since I fell asleep but...I missed you two I think?" Cale said.

Rosalyn looked back to see if Cale was alright. She then flinched. "Young master!"

Cale heard Rosalyn yell out his name however he didn't care about that. What he cared about was that his whole body was hurting. 'Damnit! What happened?' Cale thought to himself as he tried to raise his head however before he could do that he heard a person on his right whisper something. "If you feel as if you will faint. I would say it's best to actually do so." The person whispered. Cale looked at them and then slightly nodded his head before his whole body became numb and he lost consciousness.

Rosalyn saw two people holding Cale from both of his sides and a cat close to his face while he was falling unconscious.

After Rosalyn yelled for Cale the hero group looked toward Cale. "Hey! Put him down!" Choi Han yelled as he began running toward the 3 people and the kitten.

He began swinging his sword toward the two people next to Cale however someone with a sword and a golden aura stopped him.

"Hah! I'd like to see you try and get close!" The robed female person yelled as she blocked Choi Han. At that moment the robed individuals group, Cale and the kitten were surrounded by light and teleported away.

"Damn it!" Choi Han yelled. "What was Cage doing with them?!" Rosalyn yell-asked as she was quite surprised. All of them were. "I would like to know what MY young master has to do with anything with this..." Ron muttered.


"So you're telling me that...The Important person was Cale Henituse and that the moment you got away from Arm's people a group of robed individuals showed up with Cage and took him away?" Alberu said, he was getting a headache from all of this.

"Yes your Highness.." Choi Han answered. "It wasn't just keeping him in a cell but...he was in a special room with iron door..probably enchanted as magic and punching it wouldn't have worked...he was also chained up by magic red-colored chains and was surrounded by a red whirlwind." Beacrox added.

"Did you find something else out? Anything? Like what Cale henituse has in possession or can do that Arm is so...afraid of?" Alberu asked. He needed to find out everything there was. If just if they won't be able to get Cale Henituse or he wont work together with them, they need to atleast know what they need.

"The only thing we heard was that...The Arm's 'Liege' is quite afraid of Cale henituse and seeing over how they said it...it seems that Arm's liege won't be resting easily or at all even with Cale henituse being free." Choi Han said getting a nod from both Lock and Rosalyn.

"Haaa" a sigh came out of Alberu's mouth however He wasn't the only one with a headache. Ron's and Beacrox's heads were full of questions. And they didn't have any answers. Ron wanted to know why his old young master was doing to get into this mess. He left Cale specifically just so Cale wouldn't get into this mess and could live a peaceful life. Beacrox's mind however was wondering when Cale had gotten into this mess. It has been maybe...3 months since they left him alone and he spend atleast..4 weeks in that Arm's Base seeing as he was reported missing because he didn't come back home for a  whole week and it took Cage to come to them with GoD message 3 weeks after he was considered missing.

Both Ron and Beacrox snapped out of their thoughts when Rosalyn spoke. "Well atleast we know that Cage is one of the people that took the young master and there was a swordsmaster with a golden aura. A kitten too. I am sure that cat was a cat Tribe member. The fog surrounding it was the thickest and each time the cat moved fog came out of between its fur." Rosalyn said what she noticed and what they knew.

"We will need to look into what we know and start investigating any individual with a golden aura swordmaster or an Ex-communicated priestess from God of Death's church." Alberu said.


"Urgh.." A groan came out. Everyone looked at the person who let out the groan. "Young master! Are you awake?" An old man's voice could be heard in the room.

Cale opened his eyes and looked around. He was surrounded by a few people from his organization.

Hannah, a swordmaster.

Gashan, a shaman from the Tiger Tribe.

Maes, A wolf Tribe child who was one of atleast 10 children that he ran into once.

Eruhaben, an ancient dragon.

Rasheel, another dragon, this one at least a hundred years younger than Eruhaben.

Debori, a young dragon.

Mila, another adult dragon.

Cage, an Ex-communicated priestess of the Church of the God Of Death.

Two kittens, one Red and called Hong and the other a silver cat called On.

And lastly......

A sobbing Raon Miru. A 5 year old black dragon who always said he will destroy the world if anything happened to Cale.

"What happened...?" Cale asked as he looked around.

"Arm kidnapped you about 4 weeks ago. We came up with a plan and used the 'heroes' group to..free you and take you back" Gashan casually responded.

"Human! You're stupid!" Raon said, sniffing his nose. "He's right! You are stupid!" Hong said as On nodded her head. Cale let out a sigh.

"Is that why I woke up on the ground surrounded by the group of them?" Cale asked and recieved a nod from Cage. "Unlucky bastard" Eruhaben murmured under his breath. "Teacher is your body Alright? The moment eruhaben-nim and I held you up your body was cold and when Eruhaben-nim mentioned fainting and resting your body became numb in a second." Mila said, worry visible in her voice.

"I'm feeling a lot better then when I woke up on the ground if I'm being honest." Cale said slightly smiling as he sat in the comfortable bed.

"How did many people did you bring with you when you were taking me back? I saw quite a lot of people." Cale asked, curiously.

"Well everyone but Hong and Raon were there, Fressia and her assasing were also there, and Mary was there too" Cage said.

Freesia was a run away assassin from a talented assassination quilt. She had quite a lot of Assasin's with her who were also run aways. Mary was a necromancer who Cale once met when he visited the Land of death or also known as the Desert of death. Mary helped Cale and his group a bit in there when they were looking for clues about an earth ancient power. It wasn't there naturally and was later revealed to be in the Stan Territory just how Cale's ancient power was in the Henituse territory.

"I see.." Cale said.

"Human! Now that your awake what should we do? The crazy clopeh has contacted us that the northern alliance has began planning more things and wants to attack next year! The world tree and the God of death have been talking non stop worried they are for you as they cannot see your future too." Raon said. Cale only let out a sigh.

Yep he defenitly was back into the real world.

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