{Chapter 6}

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        {Chapter 6}

After discussing the plan Alberu, Choi han, Lock, Beacrox, Ron and Rosalyn were back to the same place where Cale was taken away from them.

The first thing they needed for the plan is for Rosalyn to feel the Mana of the enemy and if they are a lower-rank mage the group would be able to follow them and if it was a mid-rank mage then Rosalyn would be able to feel the mana of the person and recognise them right away, which would be helpful to find out who it is and where they are if they stumble upon them.

"Miss Rosalyn would you please start?" Alberu asked. "Of course, your highness" Rosalyn responded, and right after that she was surrounded by red mana.

However it did not go as they had expected. "Huh..?" Rosalyn let out a confused sound. This made the group look at her with concern. "What's wrong noona?" Lock asked immidetly. "It's that....i can't feel any mana around here...it would be impossible for the mana to dissapear this fast even for a highest-rank mage...only arch-mages or dragons mana dissapear so quickly" Rosalyn responded and explained as the mana around her calmed down and dissapeard or rather went invisible, taking it's time to actually dissapear.

"What..? Then...what are we supposed to do now?!" Choi Han said, annoyence in his voice. "I...do not know..i really can't feel anything other than my own mana and Choi Hans Aura" Rosalyn said.

"haaaaaa" Alberu let out a sigh trying to think of someway to find out who took Cale with them.


A loud bang was heard and a group of..probably assassins surrounded the heroes. "What the?!" Beacroc yelled in surprise. Even Ron- One of the best assassins- didn't know a group was hiding here.

"Who are you?!" Alberu asked. The heroes were confused and looking around. "Do not worry. We don't want to hurt you." A female said. She put down her robes off of her head. Next to her Cage appeared. "Hello! Nice to see you again" "Cage..?!" Choi han said, Surprised to see her again.

"Freesia...Can we do this fast? We are quite busy" Cage said. The group looked toward the woman next to Cage. "Yes yes...give them the message...it is an errand from Billos to give it to them after all and he pays quite a lot...of course young master took that job..." Freesia mumbled to Cage, She wasn't all that happy to come here and do Billos' errands but oh well.

Freesia, The assassin walked closer to the heroes group.

"What do you want?!" Choi han yelled as he pulled out his sword. "Calm down..it's just a message" Freesia said as she pulled out a paper out of her robe and pointed it in the heroes direction.

Alberu walked forward and grabbed the paper. The moment Freesia let go of the message she, Cage and the other possibly assassins dissapeared. "Your highness...what does the paper say..?" Beacrox asked. Him and the others walked up behind Alberu and peeked through his shoulders.

The message they got was said...

Hello there,

I know we did not talk much however i assure you there is nothing to be worried about. I am sending this to you as an offer. Come meet me at xxxxx. Be there om xx:xx. Xxx day of the felix's calander. I may or may not know where you can find the 'Henituse Trash'. Come and see if you belive me.

Ah! Also! If you don't want to meet me bacause of the people i have send to bring this letter to you..don't worry. They don't know what is written in here. They only think it's about some Merchant things.

-Billos, The merchant's bastard child.

"Huh?" Alberu let out a confused sound as he read through the message. "What kind of bull-" Choi han began to yell but was stopped midsentence because of Lock's comment. "Isn't Billos the one guy that talked with Hyung before the plaza incident..?" Was his question. "I belive it is him...but how does he know the young master.?" Rosalyn answered Lock's question with another question.

"We will have to investigate this.." Alberu said as he put the letter into his pocket. "Should we...go meet him..?" Lock asked. "We'll think about that.." Ron was the one to answer.


'Aigoo...Billos should be here over around two days...why did i come here so early again...?' Cale thought to himself as he watched Cat Tribe siblings and Raon play.

Cale was called by Raon yesterday because Dabori has found something while training. It was a magic disturbance tool that wasn't activated. That's why Cale decided to call Billos- A merchant that has helped Cale from time to time- To come and see how powerful of a magic disturbance tool it was and maybe...if it belonged to one of the merchant guilds.

"Young master cale..we have delivered the letter from Billos to the people he wanted." Freesia said. Cale saw that she had an odd expression on her face. 'Who did he send the letter to for her to have such an expression..?' Cale thought. 'Eh.. it probably isn't that important..probably another weird person' Cale decided to shake the weird feeling off.

"Good, the go ahead and rest for now. We still have quite a bit to do later on." Freesia gave a small bow as her face changed into a small smile "yes, young master-nim!" After that she went off.

'i have a bad feeling all of a sudden...' Was what Cale last thought before turning around walking to his room to get some rest too.

A/N: I FINALLY FINISHED IT! sorry for the long wait and the amount of Updates you got instead of... The actual chapters...Like i said in one of my Updates..after i got my phone back my motivation was running all over the place so..sorry again..hope you enjoyed the chapter though! and get ready for what come's next 👀

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