{Chapter 9}

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        {Chapter 9}
        Damn it all!

The heroes group and Billos are currently standing in a buiding that's about to collapse. Cale and his people got surrounded by light and dissapeared.

"Damn it all! We need to run!" Alberu said looking around.

At that moment they could hear breking above them.



A big chunk of the ceilling fell op Billos and the last thing they heard was his scream. Alberu could also see blood below the ceilling.

"Oh goodness!" Rosalyn said as she covered her mouth.

"Billos!" Choi han yelled out.

Ron and Beacrox could only stare.


But they didn't have the time to even think about it. The explosions continued.

"Miss Rosalyn! Could you teleport us out of here?" Ron asked as calmly as possible, however you vould see he was also in a panic.

"I can try however it is not guaranteed to work in such an unstable ground!" Rosalyn answered as she prepared.

"We need to try it at least!" Lock said.

The group got close together so Rosalyn could teleport them out.


But it failed because another Explosion made the bulding shake and the circle broke as a result.

"It won't work if this continues!" Rosalyn said.



"Damn it!"

This time a bigger explosion went off and some of them fell down.

"We need to run!" Choi han said.

"It is the only option it seems." Beacrox said.

Rosalyn, Lock and Ron that have fallen got up and began to run out as quickly as possible with Choi Han, Alberu and Beacrox.


The explosions continued and the building trembled. A few pieces of it began breaking off and falling, which only stood in their way.

They could see a big enough window where they could jump through, but the problem was time and if they will be unlucky enough to be stopped by the falling ceilling.

One by one, all of them began running faster.

"We can make it out of here if we can jump out through this window!"

"Wow i guess we have enough luck we are only on the first floor, and not higher"

Lock responded to Beacrox's comment.

Choi han slammed his body into the window breaking it, and falling out. His fall was quite rough but it was somewhat less injuring thanks to the tree that stood right outside.

Alberu, Rosalyn, Ron, Lock and Beacrox all jumped out.

"Looks like everyone got out...Let's go quickly before anyone that sets off these explotions sees us...." Ron said as he looked toward the forest that's infront of them.

"Yes let's go, and quickly...i see people over there.." Rosalyn said.

And so the group ran into the forest to hide for a while.


"Ah i see..so everyone's alright." Cale said. Though his face showed indifference his voice did show some relive to it.

"Unlucky bastard..." Eruhaben commented.

Him and a few others were inside of the building together with Cale and the group of heroes, however they were all spredout throughout the building. Thanks to Mila, Eruaben and Rasheel who said was feeling 'generous' everyone inside the bulding that was spread out and not together with cale got teleported away into the FoD Villa.

"Who even began the explosions?" Gashan mumbled under his breath, though it was still loud enough to be heard by everyone else.

'It was probably Arm...now that i was..."freed" they're probably in quite the big panic...they probably found out i was here because they followed the Heroes.. Haaa...' Though Cale's face seemed indifferent his mind was quite chaotic.

Cale was currently trying to figue things out.

'Did they really think i would have helped them when they have nothing to offer back? I said it multiple times to people...I am not a good person...Nothing in the world is free either...'

Cale let out a small sigh.

"We'll think about things later...it is late and i am sure everyone is exausted..." Cale said as he stood up.

Gashan and Eruhaben nodded their heads and left the room.

Cale looked toward Raon, Hong and On who were currently talking to each other on the bed.

'Haaa...Heroes...they really are stupid...' Cale thought as he walked up to the bed and sat down.

"Human, are we going to sleep now? You took long!" Raon commented earning a nod from Hong.

"Yes yes...we're going to sleep now" Cale gave a pat to each of the kids and laid down.

Raon made himself comforteble on the pillow next to cale, and as close as possioble to Cale's face too while On and Hong both took each of cale's sides and laid down next to him.

'I'll really need to think of how i can possibly use them...If they really are useless i'll just need to make sure they don't get in the way...'

That was Cale's last thought as he closed his eyes and fell asleep together with the kids surrounding him.

A/N: Sorry it's short 😓, I had made up my mind to update it today so that the update would certainly be this week, but over an hour it's already gonna be Sunday...So i'm sorry...I am trying to go back to my orginal schedual which is an update each 3/4 days but ever since i got my phone back and all that my motivation said: Yeah no it's Vacation over like- a week, we ain't working now man. ALSO! I am still working on the prologue of the reaction to this, It is taking me so long because i am not good in writing prologues to reactions.

Hope you do not mind and enjoyed the chapter

(i myself enjoyed the suffering of the hero groupd but that's probably just me :>)

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