{Chapter 12}

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"I honestly cannot belive this...." Alberu muttered as he stood before his father. Alberu and the heroes have come back to the palace about a day or so ago. However, in the morning a servant has come to deliver a message from the king, Zed Crossman, to Alberu.

Zed wanted to see Alberu.

Right now before Alberu stood his father, the king of Roan, with a paper in hand. A red rose with a black background was what was visible on the paper.

But what caught Alberu's attention wasn't the crest. No. It was the name above it, wrote in red like liquid that reminds Alberu of blood.


"Alberu." Zed called out to Alberu, who's eyes were shaking and fists were clenched without realizing.

The prince quickly took ahold of himself again and answered his Father. "Yes, royal Father?"

"I was told you began looking into something, the thames, to be exact." Zed's voice was cold and indifferent, yet alberu saw it. The young prince saw how his father's eyes shook for a moment at the mention of the Thames household.

"...I did look into it, father..." Alberu answered, he couldn't lie this time. He knew that the king had found out. The best way to go for now is to be honest.

However as the prince waited for his father's response, only a sigh could be heard and footsteps followed soon after. The confused Alberu followed his Father with his gaze.

"Come, follow me." The king mentioned with his hand as he glanced at Alberu, who naturally followed.

'What's this about? Are the Thames important? Have I found something out...that I shouldn't have..? I...don't understand... This has to be something big, otherwise my father wouldn't have called me to see me himself.'

As Alberu followed the king, his mind filled with thoughts even he himself didn't completely understand. What was going on? Why are the Thames so important? Alberu never even heard of the Thames, until he stumbled upon researching Cale Heni-.... Thames.

Cale Thames.

But....what do the Thames have to do with anything? Are they important to the kingdom? Maybe the royal family itself? Or....the Crossman household in it self?

'No...I would somewhat belive they may be important to the kingdom or even royal family..but... not the Crossman household itself when without the title of the royalty. That's impossible.... right?'

The prince slightly shook his head thing to get these 'useless' thoughts out of his head.

The Thames may be important, but they cannot be THAT important.


"So...you're Sunsets? That one organization that has been giving us some information or Arm?" A blue-haird man with glasses and green eyes asked. The man sat straight, with a serieus expression.

On the opposite of him as Cale in relaxed posture, as if he was on vacation.

"That's me. What, you expected some stronger? I am weak, I thought you would know that seeing as I never came to see you until you requested for the 10th time." A sigh escaped Cale's mouth as he got shivers down his spine at the thought of all the letters and messages passed down from Cale's people to him.

"No, I had an idea you wouldn't be strong, otherwise you would've been known throughout the whole continet already, what surprises me is that your the Cale Henituse." The blue-haird man- Bud Illis- said as he slightly shook his head in disbelief.

"Well I don't mind, I got my information, met you and possibly met a new drinking buddy." Bud's serieus posture collapsed in a second as he leaned down against the couch and closed his eyes.

"Haaaa, anyways, I'm here for a reason. I know you got some information about Arm that even I do not know. Tell me as much as know about the White Star." Cale said, though with indifferent face. Bud got slight shivers down his spine as he grabbed a glass of wine and poured himself some into a glass.

Bud then took the glass of wine into his hand and looked down into it. Staring into the wine and moving the glass in circles, he began explaining.

"All I know is that the White Star is the leader, the mastermind behind everything that's been happening. And he's strong. Possibly stronger than the both continents. I only know he's got at least 2 ancient powers. That's all I know."

At the end of his explanation Bud stopped moving the glass and looked up at Cale, who stayed silent.

"He kind of looks like you, red hair, brown eyes... the difference is that he wears a white mask from his nose all the way till his forehead."

Cale began feeling even more shivers down his spine.

'What? He looks like me? What? God dang it! My peaceful life! My slacker life!'

"Haaa, I see...that's what I needed to know..." Cale said as he got up. Bud followed Cale's actions and, too, stood up. He then extended his hand toward Cale for a handshake.

Cake shook Bud's hand and said "I guess it's I'll come back for more things, thought don't worry, if I find something about Arm or...anything else that may be of use to you I'll send someone."

"Thanks! I'll see what I can do for you when come by!" Bud responded as both he and Cale let go of eachothers hands. Cale then suddenly got surrounded by light and teleported away leaving a shocked Bud standing there like an idiot.

"Haha...hahahahaha...hahahahaha!" Bud then began laughing.

"Who knew a guy known for causing a ruckus when drunk would hide such a secret...and be so interesting too..." Bud mumbled as he took a sip out of his wine.


'Human! That weird glass wearing person said that the white bastard looks like you! Will that make it easier for us to find him? And how do we know which one of you is real if he looks like you and you both fight?!' Raon, who teleported Cale out of the meeting with Bud, began rambling.

While Raon continued Cale sat on his chair in his room.

He was currently having a mental crisis.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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