i'm back + updates

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Hi guys! I just got back home and have my internet back so I can post again! I was actually back Thursday and now it's Sunday however I was a bit busy.

It took me so long to inform you guys because I had a lot of things to unpack, first, is that my sister got engaged yesterday when I was over at her house, second I have a new kitty! And thrid I was tired from the journey all the way back home, seeing as, my grandparents live in another country and for me to go over is a 12 hour drive.

I also finished 3,5 chapters without the internet however they got deleted for some reason(???) Maybe it's because I made them offline or something but I'm not sure.

Anyways the next update will most likely be on the reaction fic and THEN here.

Thank you for reading and enjoy your day!

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