{Chapter 8}

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        {Chapter 8}
        How could you?

Cale has got a new report from Maes. Apperently Billos is almost at the meeting spot. All that Cale had to do now is wait patiently, however he has got a bad feeling about this.

'why do i feel like something bad is about to happen..?'

Cale just couldn't figure it out. I mean it wasn't like the 'Hero' Choi han who couldn't even protect his family from harris village but thinks he can protect a whole @ss kingdom is gonna show up, right?


oh boy was he wrong....

Cale told Hans to open the door after hearing a knock and just as the door opened....he was greeted by billos...and not just him but the WHOLE heroes group...

Cale just sits there looking at each of the group members that have just arrived.

'What the hell?! What is this?!'

"Hello young master-nim!" Billos said as he bowed his head a little. "Young master-nim...Should we eliminate them..?" Freesia whispered to Cale. Naturally he wasn't alone in the room. He was accomanied by Freesia, Raon who was invisible, Maes, Hans and Dabori who is here only so he would stop whining about not being included.

Cale slightly shook his head at Freesia's queastion. "Billos...Why are they here?" Although Cale did not realize how cold his voice sounded everyone else in the room did.

-Human! Are you angry or irritated? Your voice says its either one or both!

Raon said in Cale's mind. 'What is he talking about now..?' But naturally Cale being the dense bastard he is, could not figure out what Raon ment.

"Young mas-"

"We came here looking for you"

Billos was cut off by Alberu.

"Why would you be looking for me?"

Alberu's eyebrow twitched slightly at the disrespect Cale was currently showing. Although he had a crown prince in his office Cale continued to sit down while Alberu had to stand. And Cale didn't ever say something like 'Your Highness' no, he just completely ignored him.

"You should know why we are here, should you not?" Choi han said, though his words may appear respectful, his tone of voice was far from it.

"i do not. You have come uninvited to the meeting. Billos. You did not tell me about those people so...seeing as you ignored the contract i shall be taking my leave."

Cale said as he stood up. Maes and Hans stood before him as to make sure the uninvited guests don't come close while Freesia and Dabori stood behind. Raon was naturally next to Cale, holding onto Cale's sleeve.

Lock has stayed unexpectedly quiet, there was one reason for that. Maes was a young child from Lock's Tribe that is supposed to be dead. At least...that was what Lock thought.

What Lock did not know is that Freesia and her assassins ran into a group of Arm's people with captured Wolf tribe children, and were able to free about 10 of them in a battle before Arm and the rest of the captured wolf children teleported away.

Cale was stopped from leaving by Choi Han standing in the way.

"You are not leaving until you answer us!"

'Aigooo Emo Boy get out my way'
Is what Cale wanted to say but...could not do so..

So instead he let out a small sigh.

But before anything else could be said...


The ground shook as explosion sounds appeared.

"What the?!"

"Young Master-Nim let us go now!"

-Human we have to leave!

'Aigoo what now?!'

Cale began wondering what happened...But could not really think about it now.


The explosions continued so he had to leave.

"Dabori! Raon! Teleportation circle quick!"

Cale called out to the two dragons as quickly as possible. Naturally he was going to let the Traitor and the Heroes stay here and figure out a way to leave for themselves. He had no use of them..and Billos besically betrayed him by bringing them here.


"Hold on!"

"Young Master Cale!"

"Cale Henituse!"

The Group of Heroes yelled out to Cale and his group.

The last thing Cale saw was a big chunk of the ceilling falling from above Billos. He can only guess that either Billos will be  severly injured or dead, however he did not need to think about that as Billos has proven himself as a Traitor.

A bright light appeared around Cale and his group, Naturally Raon was included, and they teleported away back into the FoD hideout.

Cale and the group of people that were with him weren't the only people there but Cale knew that if something like this happened Eruhaben or Mila would make sure everyone telepoeted away. They would probably leave Rasheel out tho so he could do it himself. He is a dragon after all, they may be working together by Cale's order, however the competition of 'who is the strongest dragon' still goes on. Such is a Dragon's nature after all.

Cale opened his eyes in the backyard of the FoD Villa. He looked around and it seems like everyone is alright.

"Maes, Freesia, i want you to go and see if the other's are here as well. Make sure to come to me immidetly if even one person is missing." Cale stated and the mentioned two were immidetly on the move.

"Young master-nim. Let us go to your room for now." Hans suggested.

"I will go and make sure mother is alright first!" Was what Dabori said as he waved Cale a quick goodbye and dissapeared looking for his Mom.

Raon removed the invisibility and looked at Cale.

"Weak human! The butler Hans is right! We should go into our room and rest for awhile! You seem quite irritated with that bastards!"

Cale's eyebrow twitched twice after hearing the words 'Our Room' and 'Bastards'..but he let it slide. After all he could not oppose. His room is also the childrens room besically and Billos and the Heroes group are Bastards.

"Right..let's go then." Cale said turning around and going into the Villa. Raon and Hans naturally followed.

'Tch...To think Billos' end would come right after he does something like this..Haaa...truly and unfortunate bastard.'

That was Cale's last thought before entering the Villa.

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