{Chapter 10}

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Shhhh- shhhhh-

The tree's branches moved along with the wind. It was the only thing heard in this silence.


Then heavy breathing could be heard throughout the forest.


"It's a lot of blood..."

"Apply more pressure."

"I'm doing what I can!"

Voices of different people could be heard.

"Shhh! Stay quiet! We don't hear the explosions anymore but that doesn't mean that Arm's people are gone!" Alberu whispered.

Chai Han, who was keeping a cloth on Rosalyn's wound on her leg, and Lock who got stressed and told Choi han to apply more pressure, slightly nodded their heads.

After they jumped out the window of the building and ran, a bomb landed right next to them causing them to fall, though most of them only have bruises or scratches, Rosalyn's fall was unfortunate and she fell ontop of a sharp rock.

The group is currently keeping as silent as possible in the forest about 100 meters away from the exploded building. The explosions have finally stopped but Alberu found it better if they kept as silent as possible.

Ron and Beacrox have stealthily gone back to see if arm's people are still there while the rest are to protect and help Rosalyn.


Rosalyn who was half unconscious from the bloodloss, only let out deep breaths, her hands shaking, as she sat by the tree's trunk.

Shhhhh- shhhhh-

At that moment..

Tap tap tap tap.

They heard someone come closer.

Tap tap

It was coming closer and closer.

Tap tap

The footsteps only got louder and louder.

Choi han immidietly grabbed his sword and let out his black aura, while Lock got ready to transform. Alberu in the meantime took over Choi hans job in putting pressure on Rosalyn's wound.


Then all of them flinched.

"Cage...?" Choi han mumbled. His auro surrounding his swords became smaller and smaller until it completely dissapeared.

"Hah? What are you doing here..?" Cage asked as she scratched her cheek.

"Uh...?" Alberu looked up at her. "Miss Cage? Were you not there when the building began exploding..?"

"Ah! I saw it but I was not in the range!" Cage said. She gave them a quick smile and turned around.

'Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit....I didn't expect them to be here~!!! Ahhhh!'

The reason Cage turned away from them was because she was having an internal crisis. She didn't expect them to be there. She may have looked calm but in reality she has been sweating bullets.

The only reason she was not teleported away like everyone else in Cale's group is because she has something to do. She was teleported out of the range of the explosions so nothing happened to her, but she had to go into the woods and find something. It wasn't important but it was still needed.

"Cage don't turn around and walk away! Don't you see Rosalyn's injured? At least help us!" Lock pleaded to Cage before she could walk away.


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