{Chapter 11}

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Inside the Village, the heroes group has reunited together with the Molan duo and are currently residing inside an inn.

"It is a good thing that there is a shop for traveler supplies, otherwise we would have had to make a long journey to a different village for a potion..." Alberu mumbled to himself, wondering how he even ended up in this situation.

The only real reason he came along was to convince billos to work with him and his group, then he was kind of forced to go and meet Cale Henituse but he was also intrigued. Then he ended up in this mess.


A long sigh left his mouth as he leaned back against his chair. The inn was luckily big enough for the heroes group to get themselves 3 bedrooms.

The first one is for Alberu, the second one is for Choi Han, Lock and Rosalyn and the third one is for Ron and Beacrox.

Alberu, who was staring out the window, at the moon, was thinking of how to get out of this mess as quickly as possible and get back to the palace. He wanted to find more information about Cale and maybe look into Cage and people close to her. Afterall alberu does need to quickly figure out a way to find out what people are surrounding Cale and... is he against them or with them?

He doesn't know anymore. But does it even matter? Do they REALLY need him? They did just fine before, without him, didn't they?

"Haaaaa, this is driving me nuts..." Alberu mumbled as he put his hand on his forehead. He's getting a headache from all this over thinking.


"Should I just ignore them and get moving already?" Cale mumbled as he stared at the cave before him. He came to the cave that exploded inside because of an Arm member.

'Haaa...lucky nobody got seriously injured. This could've ended badly.' He thought as he walked out of the Cave and looked toward Raon, who was ,as always, with him.

"Human, I don't like this. That white bastard is getting on my nerves!!" Raon screamed as he flapped his paws all over the place.

'Who thought him those kind of words...?' Cale shook his head slightly and decided not to think about it. It wasn't the time for that now.

"Human, are you also done with that bastard? Is that why you're shaking your head? I bet your getting a headache! I promise you we will make him have a worse headache then he gave you!" Raon rumbled as Cale sighed again. Raon, although a child, is still a dragon, though he acts a lot more Vicious then Cale would like...or be comfortable with....

But oh well, what can he do about it, right?

"Raon, let's teleport to the eastern continent. I think it's about time to see that...famous Bud." Cale said. He has yet to meet with the Merceries King and find out about what he could know about The White Star, or Arm.

"Sure, Human!" Raon responded as black colcoured mana started surrounding him and a magic circle appeared below himself and Cale.

The two then dissapeared in a ray of light to the eastern continent.


A white light flashed in the forest as the sun began to set. A figure peeked out of the forest and stared at the villa infront of them.

"Ha..!" A scoff of disbelief escaped the person's mouth as the shook their head in disbelief and confusion.

'I thought I was supposed to see a red haired individual like the white star! Not a villa!' The individual thought as he stared at the villa. Disbelief still visible on his face.

"Haaa...Selina...what did you drag me into?" The individual put his pale hand onto his forehead and slid it into his white hair. His red eyes gleaming with interest and disbelief as he let out a few chuckles.

"Let's wait for now. After all, I'm sure even the great Sunset's leader would be surprised to meet the leader of the vampires...and a duke from the endeble kingdom..." Fredo mumbled as a refreshing smile took place on his pale face.

His hand fell back down from his hair as he snapped his fingers and turned into a black bird, flying up into the tree's.

It was only a matter of days, maybe hours, until he can meet the Sunset organization's leader, Cale Henituse.

A/N: sorry for the short Chapter! I got REALLY and I mean, REEEEAAALLLYYY sick in the middle of making it, while I was also working on the reaction! I was sick enough to be send to the hospital where I spent about 2 days. Don't worry though! I am perfectly fine now and if I don't update it's probably because I got sick again or smth 🤦‍♀️. ANYWAYS! I have though hard about it and decided to give Cale's organization a name. Though I sick at names I tried to figure out the best name I could and Sunset is what came to my mind. (I like to think that it wasn't Cale who came up with the name, but the kids, more specifically Raon, who thought of it as soon as he gazed at the sun for the first time and because Cale's hair reminded Raon of sunset.)

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