6 | Love is in the air!

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My eyes opened wide as sunrays lingered a kiss on my cheeks

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My eyes opened wide as sunrays lingered a kiss on my cheeks. I groaned, not wanting to wake up. These wedding preparations are so chaotic, I just want one day to relax to my heart's content.

"Abey Kumbhkarni!" I heard a voice similar to Shraddha's as I buried myself in the pillow, letting the darkness consume my eyes as they transport me to my beautiful, colorful dreams.

"Abey uth jaaaa"

"Mh mhmmm"


"HOLY SHITTTTT" I woke up, yelling. How did I forget? This wedding prep is really exhausting the shit out of me.

"Gimme 10 minutes. I'll get ready quickly!" I said, knowing Shraddha's opinion of unpunctual people.

"Yeah okay" She said with an eye roll and exited the room. I sighed, and dashed in the washroom.

I saw Siddharth and Varun whispering something to each other continuously while Shraddha was furiously typing something on her keyboard.

"Um Shraddha, you want to break the keys of the keyboard?" I asked while she looked at me with a question mark on my face and I smiled at her. She looked confused and went back to destroying the keys.

"Shhh! She's in the zone" Siddharth informed me he said with a small teasing smile while I chuckled inaudibly.

"Tell me something new darling" I replied back as I took a seat beside him. He quickly kissed my cheek and I smiled at him.

"Good morning, jaan" He said with his dreamy smile. I want to love this man forever, really.

"Good morning"

"I feel alone" Varun pouted while the two of us burst out laughing. Look at those hilarious facial expressions!

"Good Morning kids! Shraddha beta, will you please stop typing?" Mom asked.

"Uh sure Aunty JI" She said and I looked at Maa ji with awe! Why didn't I know her before I met Siddharth!?

"Have a nice trip. Siddharth Kiara, no staying in the same room, sweeties." She said and Siddharth rolled his eyes, as he put his sack on his shoulder and touched her feet for blessings.

"Yeah yeah"

We four took blessings from our elders and left for the airport.

 Let's start this journey!

Honestly, nothing can be more monotonous than the routine we have to follow before boarding the flight. Even though we got four tickets in the same row, we had two seats on one side and two on the other side. So, there were two people between us. I had taken the window seat as usual and Siddharth was stuck with the middle one.

Here's one more reason why my man is a keeper- he likes the middle seat and I like the window one. According to him, we can see through the window from the middle, we can look at other things happening, we can converse with others and everything. Yeah, he's a big extrovert.

The flight started running on the runway and Siddharth quickly clasped his hand on mine. He was exerting so much pressure on my hand, squeezing the life out of it; I am sure my hands will become red for some time. I just rested my head on his broad shoulder, and he placed his head on mine.

The flight took off smoothly and Siddharth woke up, sitting in a comfortable position and left my hand gently.

"I am bored, and I don't want to sleep" Siddharth mumbled in a childish way and I chuckled

"What do you have in mind?" 

"I dunno" He shrugged and I rolled my eyes, like a reflex action.

"I love you" he suddenly blurted out.

"I love you too" I said as I felt him gaze at me. His eyes held so many emotions- love, care, affection and my heart fluttered. I felt overwhelmed with emotions and kissed him while he kissed me back. 

As we parted, he mumbled,

"We have had our fair share of memorable kisses but this one in the troposphere might me the most memorable aaand romantic one" he said with a slight smirk and I gave him my prettiest smile. 

For the first time I actually experienced Love is in the Air!

For the first time I actually experienced Love is in the Air!

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The sixth chapter~

Sorry I was a day late in posting!
(unedited chapter, btw) 

Your thoughts on the chapter? And what must have happened between Varun and Shraddha? Do you think they talked? 

Your thoughts on the chapter? And what must have happened between Varun and Shraddha? Do you think they talked? 

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