19 | Mumbai?

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"Kiara, you have to decide

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"Kiara, you have to decide. We have to have a place to live."  I told her and she nodded.

"I know, I am just so confused" she replied.

I rubbed my forehead, pacing in the room. I have never felt this anxious and nervous.

"Calm down, Siddharth" she mumbled.

"How can I!?" I countered in an exasperated voice.

"Siddharth, Siddharth, calm down. Breathe in, breathe out" Kiara uttered in her calm voice, holding me by my shoulders.

"Kiara...I, it's just" I tried to form words but felt my breathing get intense.

What is happening? Am I, am I going? No, no! I can't leave my family right now. I can't, Varun, Mumma Papa, and how can I leave my to be wife!? No, no.

'Om Gan Ganpataye Namaha' I mumbled in my mind, chanting the name of the God in whom I had utmost faith.

"Siddharth, Siddharth" I heard a distinct voice of Kiara, trying to pull me towards her. She was so close, but felt so far.

"Kia..ra" I mumbled, trying to reach her as a darkness formed in front of my eyes, capturing my senses, taking control over them, completely.

"Siddharth, Suddharth, eat this." she mumbled, her tone, so fragile, as she opened my mouth and put...sugar?

"Siddharth, kha lo, shakkar hai" she instructed in her scared voice.

As I felt sweetness form in my mouth, the bitterness of the darkness started going, as I slowly regained my vision.

I could see her, again. I could see the love of my life in front of my eyes. I clutched her hand, clinging on it as it kept me alive through my ragged breathing, before I succumbed to darkness.


I saw the bright face of my younger brother as my eyes opened wide.

"Siddharth bhaiyya, you good?" He humbled and and I nodded.

"God, hum darr Gaye the baccha"

"Sorry mumma" I mumbled. I indeed, felt guilty for troubling them unnecessarily.

But where's Kiara? She must be worried.


"Hey" I greeted Kiara, as I entered her room.

"Tu kyun aaya? Mein aajati!" she said, helping me to sit down.

"I am fine, Kiara"

"You fell unconscious, you fool" she informed me with an eye roll.

"I-I was tired, and could not sleep"

"Siddharth, don't lie"

"I am not lying" I told her as I started feeling tired, talking.

"Siddharth, kyun itna stress lete ho? Batao na"

"Nahi le raha"

"Siddharth, we'll figure it out. In fact, I want to tell you something"


"I have two options to shift to, Mumbai and Bangalore. I feel, we should move to Mumbai.

"That makes sense. I have an office there, i'll work from Mumbai." I said, agreeing.

"So, Mumbai?"

"I mean, yeah"

She laughed wholeheartedly before kissing me.

God, I love her so much.

"Siddharth, you won't leave me, right?" she mumbled.

"Never." I mumbled, feeling a bit breathless.

"I was scared" she said.

"I know." I told her in a low voice. "I am sorry"

"You have nothing to be sorry about, you idiot" she told me and I smiled.

Siddharth and Kiara have my heart❤️

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Siddharth and Kiara have my heart❤️

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