12 | Soft Kitty & Tum dena saath mera

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I kept on changing my sides on the bed as thoughts wandered in my mind

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I kept on changing my sides on the bed as thoughts wandered in my mind.

Why does Siddharth want to move to Bangalore? We would be happy and content in Delhi. He knows that I am not unhappy with this job.

Unhappy with both the sides I simply laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling. The fan was rotating in such a fast speed that I felt scared- scared that it will fall on me.

But was that the only thing I was scared of?

I heard a faint knock on the door.
Who is here at this time?

"Come in" I mumbled and got up, sitting on the bed.

"Hey" I saw Shraddha coming in the room. I squinted my eyes at her and she simply smiled at me.

"Congratulations!" she said grinning as she sat beside me.

"I know you deserve this, because I know you've worked hard for this. Even if I didn't see you working, I know that you out your heart and soul in whatever work you do."

"Thanks" I muttered. The two of us sat in silence for some time, Shraddha tucked herself in the blanket.

"Will you sing soft kitty for me?"
she asked and stared at her, pretty sure my face was looking weird.

But I just shrugged and took her head in my lap and started singing the famous song from The Big Bang Theory universe.

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, lil ball of fur,
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr..."

I stroked her hair and she smiled with satisfaction. Such a baby!

"I just remembered the soft kitty scenes!" She said and I chuckled.

"The first time, Sheldon was sick and Penny sung it for him, despite how much he hated it. Just because he was her friend." She said and I listened, trying to understand what she wanted to say.

"And when Penny was ill that is she was given strong painkillers for her shoulder, Sheldon sung soft kitty the way Penny wanted, even though he hated change and had an extremely hard time adjusting to it. Just because she was his friend."

She continued and I understood what she was trying to do.

"When two friends do these little gestures for each other, I could just wonder what two people who immensely love each other would do for each other!" She said and closed her eyes, not letting me say anything.


I woke up with a hope of things getting better. I quickly got ready and headed towards Siddharth's room.

The room was not locked, why?

I slightly opened the door only to see Varun sprawled on the bed. Siddharth was nowhere to be seen.

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