20 | The Wedding

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Today was the day

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Today was the day. It was finally here, the wedding day of my cousin and my best friend!
I had a blue sherwani on (which looked pretty sharp, not lying) and my mom was draped in a blue silk saree.

I was running around, making sure that everything was perfect, not flawless.

"Varun, Varun" I heard a voice. Shraddha?


"I wanted to talk to you"


"Chaloooo!" She said, dragging me by the arm.


"Look, I know, I have said this before, but I am really-

"Sorry, I know" I said, completing her.

"I just want to say something. I want to get it off my chest, Varun."

What does she mean? I felt my heart beat for some reason, as I simply nodded and she continued.

"I can never, never, forget that night when you had confessed your feelings for me. I hurt you so bad. I used words and sentences which attacked your heart and you don't deserve it, Varun. You never did. You never deserved to hear that shit from me, after you've always been patient with me. You have always been such a genuine and unfiltered friend for me and i hurt you. God, I am so sorry" she said and I felt my heart racing towards an unidentified finishing point.

"Um..you don't need to" I mumbled.


"You don't need to say anything....I have a lot to say and you might need time to process"


"Varun, I miss us. A lot. Our bond was so real that it felt fictional, many a times. But it was real. The friendship we had weaved. So genuine. We were so...so real with each other. We both knew almost everything about one another. In those four years, we had become each other's personal lockers to store secrets. Varun, today, I want to tell you one last secret. The last one. Then I am as good as transparent for you."

I nodded, only because she said that I need not reply her.
But what is happening, why is she telling me this all of a sudden? I mean, i know how real our bond was. I felt it, I had experienced magic. Our friendship was the sole reason, I developed feelings for her.

"The day you confessed to me, I wanted to say, 'Even I have feelings for you, Varun. Even I think, that I love you. I care for you a lot, a lot and I want you in my life forever'. That's what I wanted to say, but instead, I said hundreds of stupid things, hurting the both of us." She said and I felt shock circulating throughout my circulatory system.

What did she just say?

"Yes Varun. I care a lot for you. A little too much, and that's why, I didn't want to hurt you. Hurt you just like how Mumma-Papa hurt each other." She said.

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