14 | Love never fails

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Restlessness never left me

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Restlessness never left me.
Three days had passed since I and Kiara suggested to put a halt on our marriage at 'our place'. I haven't talked to her since then. He'll, I haven't even seen her.

I had been thinking. A lot. About many things.
And I took a decision. Kiara, she is important, very important.

I took a deep breathe in before I dialed Kiara.

She quickly received the phone and mumbled a very low 'hello'. I suddenly felt speechless as words didn't form come out from my mouth.
I inhaled deeply and exhaled on the count of three, repeated the cycle again. Kiara also didn't say anything. She didn't even hang up on me.

There was a peaceful silence between us after a long time.

I finally mustered up courage and formed a sensible sentence with the assistance of a few words.
"Will you meet me in the backyard?" I asked.

"Uh huh" she hummed and I hung up, quickly running towards the backyard.

Kiara was already there.

"Hey" I mumbled softly while she just mouthed a 'hi'.

"I don't want this to halt, Kiara. I don't. I want to marry you on the scheduled date, venue and at the same muhurat." I stated without beating around the bush (to prevent any kind of awkwardness) and she nodded, understanding.

"Me too, Siddharth. I want to figure this out, with you. And I want to marry you on 23rd. I don't want anything to stop that." She said, her eyes radiation confidence regarding our future together.

I hugged her tightly, not wanting to leave her and a few words ringed in my mind.
"Love never fails"

"We'll figure this out Siddharth, we will. Just like PB & J" I smiled at her. She truly is my soulmate.

I gazed in her dark brown orbs.
I was in love, again.

Sorry for this short bit

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Sorry for this short bit.
Yayy, SidKiara are back!

- They are back but three days have passed.
Drama, revelations, fun, romance and a lot more is coming up!

Stay tuned! Ganpati Bappa Morya!

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