Chapter 1- Unfair

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You know as an honors student myself, you can kind of see the difference between honors students and non-honors students. It's pretty subtle, but it's not just 'oh, they just study harder' or 'oh, they just suck up to the teachers' I mean some do but. It's honestly because they care. They care about their grades; I mean even I do.

That's probably why right now, about... half the class is hounding the teacher about the 'unfair' test grade they received.

"Miss, this is so unfair!"

"I should've at least gotten an 85!"

"Miss, everyone failed the test. So you should at least curve it."

Yup. That's the biggest difference. Most honors students are hardly nicer, more respectful, or even smarter than the average student. They just really care.

They are swarming the teacher in hopes that she curves the exam. This is high school at most Ms. Bennett would remove a question. But this is Ms. Bennett we're talking about. She a short brunette with glasses that are thicker than mine. It's surprising because she looks fairly young for a teacher like in her 30s. But don't let appearances fool you. She more often works against students than with them. She doesn't even discuss questions most of the class got wrong. Let alone pass out the test so you can see what you got wrong.

"First of all, everyone passed the exam. None of you have to retake it but it's available if you got lower than a 70," Ms. Bennett responded.


"What will you do when my dad kills me."

"What If you got a 71?"

"I bet everyone has a 75 miss that's so unfair."

The teacher sighed and said, "Okay, you all are overreacting. Most of the class got about an 80!"

"But nobody got a 90-"

" That's not true; Octaviana got a 95 on her exam." Ms. Benett interjected.

Oh, huh? That's pretty high for me, this early at least.

"Now, if only she turned in projects on time. Oh, and did her home-"

"Okay, miss," I said to stop her rambling about my work ethic in front of the class.

"Ugh!"half the class groaned.

See, Ms. Benett, our Chemistry teacher, always has the most long-winded arguments after posting our test grades. This is the third test this year, and it's only gotten worse. Her tests are notoriously difficult even for the 'smart' kids. So, she now resorted to giving us our test grades at the end of class so that she can swiftly kick us out.

*Ring Ring*

"Well now you guys heard, that's the bell. I will see you all tomorrow!" Ms. Benett chimed.

The class started to pack up, but not without trying to bargain with the teacher some more about their grades. After every refusal Ms. Benett gave, the pleas became more and more desperate.

"Hey! That's it you all go to your next class!" Ms. Benett hissed.

Finally, after a bit more arguing the entire class had left and I decided to do so as well. As I was packing up to move to the next class, I heard the teacher call my name.

"Octaviana! I would like to speak with you for a second," she called.

I got up with my bag on my back and walked towards her.

"You got the best score on the exam you know." she looked almost apologetic." you always score so high on my exams. You just get caught on silly mistakes."

"I know miss."

"Mm, but that's not the main reason I called you. You have great exam grades but, you didn't turn in your project on time, and most importantly you never turn in your homework. Homework that is 10% of your grade you know."

"I-i do know miss"

" Well then, why haven't you turned in your homework?"

Because I'm lazy and even if I don't do it, I'll still get a 90 for the year.

"I will make it up on the finals, "I mutter.

"Hah?! The finals! You silly goose. Just do the homework from now on. Hey, you know what! I will give you a second chance."

This sounds really bad.
It sounds like she is trying to give me more work. I have to tell her that I don't do any teacher's homework, It's not just her.

"Wait-"I try to explain but get cut off.

"I know it's a little unfair, but I also know you know your stuff. So... just turn it in and I will count it full points in all," She beams, then proceeds to get up and look around, "I will print out all the homework for you for tomorrow, okay? I will see you!"

Huh. What.

I'm not doing homework. No way. What?

I try to catch her gaze to discuss what she just said but she has her back turned. Knowing that if I disagreed with her would be a long and fruitless argument and as I don't want to be late for my next class, I slowly move toward the exit. I look back once more but she still isn't looking so I begrudgingly make my way out. In the hallway, I process what exactly she just hoisted onto me. 3 months of homework. She wants me to do all the homework from the beginning of the year to now.

For free.

And she phrased it like she was doing me a favor. She didn't even ask if I wanted to do it. The only reason I didn't argue with her like the rest of the class is because that's a losing game. If I said no, she could just tell my parents and I'll be forced to do it anyways. Plus, she wouldn't have listened anyway, Ms. Bennett gave the grades at the end of class this time for a reason. She does not care. I mean she told the whole class my test grade.

This is a nightmare. I don't do homework at all. When I'm at home that's when I relax, that's my free time. I don't even want to think of school, let alone my homework. I don't have any extracurriculars for that very reason. My time is mine.

The only good is that it's tomorrow's nightmare. And that's always a day away.

Or maybe she'll forget.

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