Prologue 0- Intro

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I woke up still a bit tired. It's a school day so I still have to get ready, but God am I already exhausted. I look outside and see that it's a cloudy day. It's not raining or anything it's just a foggy morning day.

"Octaviana Von Förstner!" my mother exclaims.

Ah, she's so loud and this early too. I wonder what I did wrong. I just woke up.

Hm, Octaviana Von Förstner. My name is pretty long. It comes from my dad he's German, I think? It's very fancy, and despite my appearance, which looks ... disheveled right now, I think the name suits me. I'm a rich kid after all. My dad runs multiple businesses so he's always quite busy. Sometimes even works in different countries. Though I never know if he is sleeping at work or just across the country.    

I quickly put on my tie and socks and head downstairs to see my mother.

My mother looks displeased.

" Octavia! I called you down 3 times already!" my mother huffs, "Look there are only 5 minutes before your first-period class starts!"

Wow. I woke up late and I'm still tired.

" Sorry mom, I was still asleep." I yawned then sat at the table and reached for the cereal.

"you're lucky I already called you an Uber to take you to school missy" mother walks towards the table" Honestly, what would you do if you missed school! It could affect your grades."

 I'm also a smart kid, I'm in the honor class in my school. My mother knows I care about staying in the honors class. The non-honor classes don't get college credits and I do plan on going to college. If I have to repeat the stuff, I learned because of a very low grade I'll be devastated.

"I'll study hard for the finals" I groan.

 "Whatever, smart-aleck. Hurry up and put on your shoes."

In my school, final exams are 50% of your grade. That means you can do terrible and fail every single exam with a 40, but as long as you get a 100 on the final you pass. No summer school necessary. 70 average and onto the next grade.

I am not going to do that exactly. I still want to stay in honors. However, I am going to abuse this slightly. If you have all 95s throughout the year and on the final, you get a 95, your average stays the same. However, if you get 90s throughout the year and get a 100 on the final you receive the same score. And so that's my plan. So far, it's working; I have an average of 90 in all my subjects. Some are higher but I'm not complaining. 

The only time I plan on studying is near the finals. That's no homework, no notetaking, no after-school nonsense. If I don't get it the first time the teacher explains it, then I deserve the grade I got. The only exception is looking through finished tests to see what I got wrong. I'd hate to repeat a mistake, especially on the finals.

As I finish my cereal, I see the Uber in the driveway.

"Hey, you! Put on your shoes! Your Uber is here!" my mother pushes me to the door," After today, I'm getting you a personal driver. You haven't kept your promise about waking up on time. I'm sick of telling you to wake up."

"What! But getting an Uber is cheaper!"

"Sure, but a personal driver is more reliable! I can't believe you convinced me not to get one at the beginning of the year. I forgot how lazy you were!"

"And a chauffeur isn't going to wake me up on time," I reply.

"Oh, should I hire a full-time maid as well?" My mother countered with a bitter tone.

I may be lazy but that's too much. I value privacy.


I hate having a personal driver because everyone thinks it's my dad. My real dad doesn't own any cheap cars either. So, they think my chauffeur is my rich dad. It was always so awkward in middle school. Too bad My mother can't drive. I was probably going to get a chauffeur again eventually anyway. My dad had been voicing his complaints about it for a while now. But I know my mother's more miffed about the maid thing though. No conversation with her is complete without mentioning my lack of personal maids.

"...Alright but don't make it my fault. I know dad has already been planning on getting a chauffeur since the beginning of the year." I mutter.

" Yes, yes That man should have done so sooner. He said he was going to hire one a month ago."


"Stop stalling and get in the car." My mother says with the blankest of faces.

I put on my shoes and head for the door.

Why can't my dad buy a cheap car? Like a 70,000-dollar car or however much a car costs. Instead of triple that amount. Like the car right there a... Hunda or something. 

So annoying when people try to 'bond' with me over my wealthy status. There's not much to talk about. 

"Can I at least buy the car I'm going to ride to school?" I ask right at the doorway.

"No. We are not buying a cheap car so you can go to school." My mother says while rolling her eyes "Your dad has 5 perfectly unused premium cars to use in the spare garage."

"...why?" I whisper.

"I ask the same question" She sighed.

I walk towards my ride.

We're rich right? Why can't I buy a new car? 

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