Chapter 7- Fallout

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When I arrive at the class I can already see someone sitting in my seat.

This happens pretty often normally because other students seem to love Mrs. Sanfleur's flippant attitude and want to sit close to her, but this time I know it's not because of that. None other than Makenzie Lottingham is sitting in my chair.

Makenzie, a girl as intolerable as the teacher. We were friends once, I have no clue how. She is the most irritating piece of... work I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. She goes on and on about how we used to be friends. Like it was the most memorable time of her life.

" Ah, the woman of the day! Octavia von Fostner! How are you today? Bet you had a lot of fun yesterday." She says with a sadistic smirk.

I just ignore her, no good comes from interacting with this brat. She thrives on the reaction you give. In the past, I've made the mistake of trying to tell her off but she loves my attention, whether good or bad. So, I just sit in the seat she normally sits in.

" Aww not going to talk to me Octopus"


"Octavia you are not just going to ignore everyone who asks about yesterday." I can tell that she starting to get annoyed. The only good trait she has is her impatience.

" God, Octopussy just tell us"

Makenzie rambles on with various other petty insults before getting bored with me and heads out of the classroom. She's a drama fiend so it's no surprise she's hounding me over this. Makenzie feels two seconds away from being an actual bully. I watch her leave the classroom in a huff but as my eyes trail to left and I see a familiar face.

Puzzled green eyes stare deeply into me. Of course, I forgot Makenzie sits with this bunch. That's a bit funny. A crooked grin slowly starts to form on my face but before I can finish I see Alex- no Alyssa very quickly turns away.

That reaction gave me good information. It tells me that Alyssa most likely didn't do it for attention. and that she definitely didn't think it through. I see Alyssa look back at me with a glare but I'm still smiling. Her face starts to turn red but her glare doesn't fade. My smile quickly fades once I hear her friend call out to me.

"Hello!" She has a chipper voice. Alyssa jumps at the sound of her friend's voice. Man, this is really funny.

"Why are you still sitting here?" Wow. her tone does not match her words.

"Oh, Alyssa wanted me to do a favor for her so I wanted to confirm when it is" I respond more upbeat than usual.

"... you're still going to do it?" I see her looking straight into her desk like she wants to disappear.

" Yeah, you did technically give me what I asked for" I smile trying to catch her gaze. I only see the corner of her eyes flash at me before going right back down to her desk. I'm glad she regrets what she did to me.

"Hmmm...did that favor... have something to do with" her friend is trying to put the dots together. Alyssa looks like she wants to die. I want to laugh but just shoot her friend a disgusted look.

"It had nothing to do with yesterday" I give an intense glare " Some cruel loser did that to me. They are lucky I don't remember anyone's name."

Alyssa gives a good poker face but shifts a little in her chair. Her friend seems a little more shaken up.

"Oh, um" Her voice lightens " Then what was the favor?"

" She agreed to help me do my chemistry homework If I help tutor a student." I can feel Alyssa glaring daggers but that only makes my smile more genuine." Well actually, she might have some-"

she cuts me off like she could tell what I was going to say.

"Yes I offered to help her with her chemistry work," She says in a monotone voice.

Sweet. Blackmail.

" Chemistry homework? But your chemistry grade is high?" She seems shocked.

"Yes but I'm missing all the homework" I wave my hand in dismissal and start to get up off the seat. " Alright class... should've already started so I'm going to move back. we can discuss what exactly we have to do later I guess"

I can feel Alyssa's eyes look for sincerity in my own." Are you really going to help me?"

"Yes, Alyssa" If I think about what she did it's kinda funny. I mean not everything afterward but if it happened to someone else I would be dying from laughter.

I walk back to my seat without glancing at the rest of the class. The teacher somehow isn't here. We are fifteen minutes into the class. When finally the teacher arrives, she comes with Makenzie. Seems like they were talking in the halls. Mrs. Sanfleur's eyes dart straight to mine and an amused smirk graced her face. I now have a good idea of what those two were talking about. The teacher starts hovering around my desk.

" Octaviany I heard an interesting story" she gets even closer to me.

I hate this. What is wrong with her? high school bully behavior.

"I understand that you are youn-"

From this point forward I just tune her out. This is a skill I practiced with my mother every week. I already know nothing of value is going to come out of her mouth so best to ignore it all. I have more important things to worry about. Like that tutor thing. The only person I've ever tutored is my little cousin. I did a good job, but If it's a student from this class, that might be a little tougher. Well, it can't that bad if they're still in honors.

I hear the class laugh but it doesn't break my trance. Hmm, I still should probably prepare.

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