Chapter 10- Nuisance

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That went better than expected. The student I have to tutor doesn't seem that tough and luckily it's in a subject I'm strong in if it was English or History I would've had some trouble. A 73 huh yeah that's not too bad.

"Hey, you."

I should be able to catch her up. Imani wants to stay in honors right? So an 85 is my goal. We have one more math test before the midterms however Mr.Lars should let her retake previous exams.

"You lazy!"

I definitely need to see her previous test to see where she would need help. I also might-



"You were ignoring me!" Mr.Flores whines.

"yes Mr.Flores"

He playfully glares at me. This guy acts like a 4-year-old and then expects me to talk to him.

"I heard you got in trouble again missy" Mr.Flores huffs"How the heck did you get detention??"

Detention. I forgot about that. Should I give him the full story? Well yes. He'll find out the truth anyways, he and Ms.Hennway are best buds.

I begrudgingly tell him what happened. "...I went to class with lipstick stains...on my face"

Mr. Flores looks shocked for a second but his face returns to its natural state, a big grin. I can already tell I'm going to be somehow even more irritated by him.

"Uh-huh. So, does this have something to do with why you're late"  hmm, Somehow.

" I was helping tutor some girl."

"? you're tutoring a girl because she kissed you?" Mr. Flores immediately jumps to this conclusion.

...No i-I did- that's not the reason. Why would he think that?
"They're not related," I say with an even voice.

"wow, Octavia she must be preeettty persuasive" Again, I have difficulty distinguishing him from a 3-year-old.
I don't respond to his provocation but he continues.
"Y'know you could always invite your... friend"
This time I stare at him with an uncomfortable silence in the air. I don't need friends. I've never needed friends. Not to mention neither of them are my friend. This conversation is quickly turning bothersome. Mr.Flores, sensing my frustration, finally decides to take me seriously.

"So who were you kissing?"

"The person I'm tutoring and the person who kissed me aren't the same people." This is technically true.

"Then why-"

"I didn't ask to be kissed"

Mr.Flores look genuinely sad" Oh, I'm sorry"

I can't really get mad at Mr.Flores he didn't know. However, Mr.Flores himself doesn't know that so he walks away like an injured puppy. He is such a nosy guy but without him, my daily human interaction would be halved. Which... is a debatably good or bad thing. I enjoy a peaceful silence that was too short-lived. Before I leave I remember to pick some generally useful math books. I picked the ones that I used to get ahead during the summer.

I take my time walking to my next class but I immediately regret that decision when Mr.Lars calls out my name.

"Octaviana hey I need your help"

What up with every male teacher being a nuisance today? Normally I don't mind Mr.Lars but I have a good idea of what "help" he wants. I roll my eyes and look in his direction.

"Come on Octaviana join the math competition. I know you complete your math tests fast enough to join."

I rush through this conversation as fast as possible. This is the third time Mr.Lars has asked me to join. A math competition Jesus. How much extra work would that be? No chance. I've already been peer pressured enough. I walk away after giving brief answers to his pleas. As I pass by I see my tutee, Imani. She looks a little distracted so I decide not to disturb her and just head to my next class.
Classes went as they go. I don't really have to pay attention so I don't. The most work I'm going to have to pretend to do is during detention. Ms.Hennway loves making kids do random assignments during detention. The worst thing you could say to her is you have nothing to do because she'll give you random work and then check it herself. Learned that the hard way. I usually say I have homework, which is true, but only pretend to do it.

When I walk in Ms. Hennway isn't here which is lucky. Well as lucky as being stuck in detention is. Instead, a random substitute is here. I don't know her but she looks older. I don't talk to her and just sit down. There is only one other student who arrives. I sit and look as unapproachable as possible. Which seemed to work because no one approached me. Two hours pass quickly because I would have started at a wall in my free time anyway. I walk out to see the driver. I forgot he existed I was going to call an Uber.

The driver is visibly irritated. He has been sitting out here for at least 2 hours and I didn't text him I had detention so that's probably why. Right now I hardly care about his feelings, today has been exhausting for me. I had too much social interaction with people I hardly bother. I head into the car and turn my brain off. I don't even notice how fast we arrived home.

I see my mother in the driveway. she looks livid, and as always, I can see the fumes coming off her. Once the car stops and I get out she proceeds to berate me about something. I use my spectacular talent of selective hearing and block out everything she says. It's the same old anyways. When heading up the stairs I can still tell she is yelling at me but I can't make out a single word. I go upstairs and prepare for the next annoying thing I have to do. Physical exercise. Especially if I miss a day Nessi, my trainer, thinks he has the right to beat me up.
Today has been brutal. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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