Chapter 9- Worries

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Imani POV

Okay Imani it wasn't that bad. Alyssa didn't drop out of tutoring me like I thought and y-you even got a new tutor. From this point, your grades can only go up. Despite my encouraging words I still feel tears well up in my eyes. Jeez, You're Imani Nguyen the girl who defied the odds and somehow ended up in honors, and most of all someone who doesn't cry over anything... most of the time. I breathe in deeply. Nothing happened, I will be okay because nothing happened. But...I-I'll just try not to think about it.

With a brisk pace, I rush my way to lunch to meet with my friends. I miss when I could hang out with them in class. Before we used to be able to meet all the time but now it's just lunch. My two bestest friends Tomo and Kelly. The two are complete opposites of each other. We've been friends since middle school and talk about everything... so they sorta know how my grades are.

As I arrive Kelly's voice was the first thing that greeted me.

"Mani! How was tutoring?" I got a warm hug from Kelly. Kelly is very nosey. She loves to hear about the drama in my life and blow it completely out of proportion with her strange fantasies. I told her I liked Alyssa once and she thinks I have a major crush on her.

" I deleted it from my memory" I sighed.

" Like always?" Tomo teased. Tomo is a smart aleck. She tends to tease me a lot though. If I need advice she always has very rational ideas.

"Did you get dumped like you thought?"Kelly has a shocked expression.

"N-No Tomo I mean ugh"I take a deep breath "Apparently I have a new tutor."

Tomo's eyebrows raise and Kelly gives a childish glance.

" Isn't that a good thing like you were- no are failing Mani" Tomo pushes.

"I know that but I liked Alyssa she cares and my new tutor is Octavia"

"Who?" I swear Kelly has the worst memory.

"Octaviana? Kelly, we've talked about her before."

"...Oh! Von Forstner right! but she's hot too Mani?"

"Kelly! Her being hot has nothing to do with anything." Kelly's eyebrows go up and down repeatedly.

"Is Octaviana mean or something" Tomo interjects.

No. Octavia hasn't done anything to me. She seems pretty scary though. Like a complete ice block.

"Last time I had a project she ended up doing it all by herself. I didn't even do any research before she turned it in. She didn't even tell me she turned it in, the teacher just handed us our grade."

"...isn't that a good thing?"

"I would love it if someone did my projects for me."Kelly gushes.


"You guys just don't get it"I huff. They aren't even trying.

Tomo gives me a critical look" Imani I do get it however I do think you're treating it like a dating game. You're getting tutored. If she is a bad tutor that's one thing but-" Kelly cuts her off.

"Hey! Tomo, she obviously had a huge crush on her tutor so she's heartbroken at the thought of her leaving"

Tomo rolls her eyes. "You're worse than Imani, Kelly. She wants to stay in honors not get a girlfriend"

"Well, why not both?"Kelly's eyebrows go up and down " with her new tutor hmmm??"

"Yes of course, while she's failing the class she is not only going to go out with her old tutor but her new one and at the same pass math with a 100 average," Tomo said all of that very sarcastically.

"yes obviously" Kelly being her took it literally" Our Mani can get it!"

I roll my eyes at their nonsensical argument. They continue to fight but I don't engage anymore and just focus on my food. After I finish up I get up and head toward the door the 2 of them are still going at it so they don't notice me leaving. Dating game? That's not true I'm just more comfortable with Alyssa. Octaviana asked so many awkward questions. I mean they were relevant but... I just don't see having a conversation with her, I've tried but she is so uninterested in general. Luckily Alyssa will still be there I don't know what I'd do without her.

As I'm walking down the hall I hear a loud voice. It sounds like Mr.Lars. He seems to be talking to another student.

"Come on Octaviana join the math competition."Mr.Lars sounds exasperated "I know you complete your math tests fast enough to join."

I look to Mr. Lars's side and see Octavia with her arm across holding a few books inside them. She seems somehow even more, aloof than I have ever seen her before.

"No mister I'm busy. I'm borrowing these books to help another student."

"You could do both? Help your friend and compete in the competition."

"No," Octavia said coldly.

" Lazy lazy Dragon."Mr.Lars pouts.

"Don't call me that. It's lame." Her face is stone cold but she looks, super confident. I don't think I could ever refuse a teacher like that.

Octavia swiftly turns around and heads to what I assume is the next class we have. When she passed by, she was inches away from me but I don't think she noticed me there. She smelled like fresh laundry in the middle of the day. I feel my face flush slightly.

I am not treating this like a dating game.

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